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Everything posted by Skrilla

  1. That's your actual cubic foot of the box after all displacement (port and sub). Since your box is 5.59ft you take away the port displacement (1.51ft) and your sub displacement (.14ft) and you're left with your net volume (3.94)
  2. Whoops^ My mistake. I was looking at gross volume Yes, with almost 15in of port area per foot you will be perfect...
  3. Not quite. He has close to 10.5in of port area per cubic foot. If you keep that just make sure you round the edges of the port to help get rid of any port noise you might have...
  4. Use the search bar. If you have a question, you can usually always find an answer on here. If that fails, there's always Google, lol. Here's what I found with a quick search. http://forum.realmofexcursion.com/enclosures/22705-pencil-paper-101-a.html <Good basic info here...
  5. ^That's about 12.4 in of port area per sqft, which is within the 12-16in of port area per sqft rule... Sounds like enough to me
  6. Well, Steve's old setup had 4 18's using only 6 4" aero ports. That's only 75in of port area. He said he really didn't have any port noise. With that being said, I would think you can use 1 8" aero port (50in of port area) for 1 18" sub and get away with it, especially if you only have a 6-7cuft box...?
  7. I'm pretty sure your port would need to be around 17+in long in order to achieve 35Hz
  8. Sounds like it's tuned pretty high. I'd say close to 50Hz.
  9. Lol. Your port area is the length times the with of your port (I.E. (16x1.75=28)) So with a 7 cubic foot box your going to want at least 84 inches of port area, and that would be 12 inches per cubic foot (minimum). So I wouldn't go any smaller then 16x5.5in, which is 88in of port area...
  10. You're going to want a lot more then 28 in of port area for a 7 cubic foot box... EDIT: ^^Beat me to it...
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