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Everything posted by southernstreets_92

  1. i added the cap because it was free for me to use when i first put a sub in my truck and i just never took it out. i plan i getting a xs D3100 to replace the cap. as for the alts ive never had them tested but they worked fine pushing 3 kicker l7's. and SAZ i take it that they are pretty good since like 3 of yall have referred to them. any other advice? this is what im looking at so far: my 2 alts, with my optima and a xs D3100, with whatever amp i end up getting, pushing 2 loaded out Fi BL 15's in a custom enclosure. also somebody i know was telling me about the audioque AQ3500D.1, is this amp worth it or should i be looking at something else
  2. i will more than likely be getting the 4" coils with dual 1 ohms. as far as electrical goes i have 2 hipo alts. and a optimal marine battery with a 12 farad cap. budget wise im not looking to spend more than about $600-$700 on an amp right now because of the cost for the school
  3. Hey everyone i was wondering if i could get a lil help with a decision i will have to make not far down the road. I am about to attend a Car audio school in Daytona Beach FL. and will be putting in a custom box while im there due to the requirements of the course i will be taking. ( cant complain about getting to build a custom box for your ride for school) anyway i will be ordering 2 Fi BL 15's and would like to know what would be the best amp to push these 2 beast. Price is a factor because i will be paying the full price of my schooling by myself and will be buying this at the same time but would like to get the best i can for the money. Any help at all would be very much appreciated
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