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Everything posted by Pittcrew

  1. Hey, my psn is: Pittcrew. Anyone can add me (just say youre from SMD in the friend request please). I play black ops and bad company 2 all the time. But mostly black ops lately :)But yeah I'd love to play some zombies with ya! The new zombies map is awesome!!
  2. ha that does look like fun I'll probably face it up though
  3. I don't think getting an 18" to fit in mine would be to much of an issue. However, I'll have to make some cardboard models to be sure
  4. ok cool, and no I haven't bought anything yet I'm just trying to plan it all out before I buy.
  5. this isnt my car but it's the same kind, different year but it's pretty much how my trunk looks http://o.aolcdn.com/commerce/images/toyota_07camry_trunk_Large.jpg
  6. yeah that shouldn't be an issue I don't think. My trunk is pretty big and the seats go completely down also.
  7. oh yeah that's true. I'll have to measure my trunk tomorrow. How would facing the sub up affect it though?
  8. a 2001 toyota camry. Well i played around with the calculator and just pretty much winged the dimensions for what I think would fit in my trunk and it came out the first time with 6.322ft^3 i would do sub back port back UNLESS you wanted to do sub forward port thru the rear deck and sealed off from the trunk I'm probably just gonna do sub back port back since it's my first box I want to try to make things as simple as possible.
  9. alright thank you very much, that's good to know!
  10. ok, I'm playing around with this calculator and it is helping me understand BTW I'm going more for SPL rather than SQ
  11. a 2001 toyota camry. Well i played around with the calculator and just pretty much winged the dimensions for what I think would fit in my trunk and it came out the first time with 6.322ft^3
  12. ok cool, I'm also very good with AutoCAD and Inventor so I'd use that over sketchup.so does it not matter where and what shape you make/ place the ports, and should you have on bigger one or multiple smaller ones?? Also, how does position of the subwoofer affect it? such as facing away, forward, up, and inverted? Sorry for all the questions, there is just so many things about making a box that i don't understand, and people say it is like the most important thing to get right so I just want to really understand it.
  13. sweet . the only problem i have left is the box. I'm a complete noob when it comes to making boxes, I've never done it before. I don't really understand how you tune a box to a certain amount of hz or how you would even know how many hz you should tune it to. I also don't get how to decide where to place ports and how to make them. The good news is I have plenty of woodworking experience and tools, I'm just new with subwoofer boxes.
  14. ok good, just making sure . So you think a DC XL" with an AQ2200D would be a good match?
  15. Yes, I'm aware, but is it only going to play the REALLY lows
  16. Ok, so I was wondering if there would be any issues with having one DC XL 18"er. Meaning, do get effective bass would i have to upgrade to aftermarket amplified midrangers due to the 18" only getting the really lows? My stock midrangers are actually above decent and I'd rather not mess with them but I was wondering if I'd be missing a large range by only going with an 18"
  17. I got a 2001 Toyota Camry. It has quite a bit of trunk space. Before anyone suggests anything else, This is what I'm currently leaning towards. Either two 15" Fi Q15's which are here: https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/sess/utn154d2a702a2f37a/shopdata/0050_Speakers/0030_Q/product_overview.shopscript or two 15" AQ HDC3's which are here: http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=24 Between those two which is better, or if you have another suggestion that's in that price range for a 15" sub then go for it and would the AQ2200D http://www.audioque.com/aq/?page_id=28 be good to power two either of these? and also I'd like to see some suggestions on batteries and alternators if you guys know nay good ones. I decided I'm going to take my budget down some, and hopefully be able to get each sub for in the 260ish range per sub for 15" Thanks and I currently I have 0/1 AWG so that should be good enough for that amp right? **EDIT** It seems the Fi link doesn't work but you guys obviously know where to find it so no big deal.
  18. ok, the problem with DC is I have no idea how much they cost... people have said I should get the aq's, the bl's and dc's lvl 4. I'm not an expert on this stuff so, what is actually the best thing?
  19. alright good to know, thanks for the help. I'll have to make some decisions and do some more research, but I'll definitely post everything I am going to get before I buy on here to make sure everyone approves Thanks again
  20. ok so one of the guys i know at my school has two of these: http://www.lanzar.com/itempage.asp?MODEL=HRWDC15 how would the AQ hdc3s compare? 15" and 18"?
  21. Alright, nevermind with the bl's but I'd like something a little better than the rf's if possible. I'm looking to get the subs and amp preferable under $1750ish that would also include a new alternator and batterie(s) *edit* i just checked out the AQ's they, don't seem a whole lot cheaper than the bl's, what's the difference on their performance?
  22. Ok, so right now these are my first pair of subs. I've had them for a while now and they're pretty good! I'm using two 12" MTX Audio Terminators (decent but pretty noobish) and a Kenwoof 1800 watt peak power amp. They are pretty good, actually very good for a very tight budget. Now I've got a bigger budget and want to take it to the next level. I was thinking about possible getting some of these http://www.rockfordfosgate.com/products/product_details.asp?cat_id=4&series_id=31&family_id=9&item_id=108273&locale=en_US&p_status= or some Fi BL 18"ers my question is what kind of amp would be good for those? or if you have a different suggestion for subs that are cheaper or better or whatever, I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks
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