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Posts posted by soundstream15

  1. pretty much, i took the dmm and my alt is charging my front battery just fine and reading 14volts but today when i put it on my back battery it was reading

    12volts, when last week i checked it and it was 14volts, everything is wired just fine and shit, and not sure of the alt man..got it from autozone, i no my volt meter

    is going bad cuz it reads some funky shit..there were times where it read 12volts and i put the dmm on my rear battery and it said 14 volts but not today

  2. everything is good..i took the dmm and put it on my alt to battery and it said 14v, like tonight i played my system full tilt and my volts said 12.6 so when i

    played it full tilt it didnt move so when i turned it down it raised to 13.6 then went back down..this just started today and i dont understand why, everything is as good

    as it was yesterday and that..im thinking the battery is going bad

  3. i have a kinetik hc1200 in the back, up front i have a yellow top and a after market 105amp alt..i didnt have enough to get a HO alt..but my volt meter is going bad but anyway my volt meter was saying my rear battery was reading 12.3-12.8 volts. i took a dmm and it said the same damn thing and my car was running so alittle later when my volt meter said the same thing i put the dmm on the batt and it read 13 volts..it has never did this and i check it once a week and it has always said 14 volts and if my car is running at idle for abit then it will say 13 volts..my ground and everything is fine, like i said it just started today, i belive the kinetik is going bad...hopefully it is just so i can get a xs power lol

    please help tho


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