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Posts posted by soundstream15

  1. i use -10db track, i play decaf and i have zero issues....if the song is peaks at lets say 39hz at -2db if its clean then its not gonna matter if gains where set with -5 or -10db tone, i can play a song that is at -8db that is clipped and ill have more issues then playing a song at -3db thats clean. make sense? it does to me so maybe someone else can chime in.

    here is a example. regular gorilla zoe-money man, my voltage drops to 12.2 driving

    decaf money man, voltage is at 12.9

    why? its clean so i have no issues

  2. i use -10db track, i play decaf and i have zero issues....if the song is peaks at lets say 39hz at -2db if its clean then its not gonna matter if gains where set with -5 or -10db tone, i can play a song that is at -8db that is clipped and ill have more issues then playing a song at -3db thats clean. make sense? it does to me so maybe someone else can chime in.

    here is a example. regular gorilla zoe-money man, my voltage drops to 12.2 driving

    decaf money man, voltage is at 12.9

    why? its clean so i have no issues

  3. i ordered a crunch GP3000d pro of nikitaaa, it was packaged to well to be honest lol took 15min to get to the damn amp haha but i was very happy with the shipping and package job, amp works great. he was very striaght forward and always texted back. i would buy from him again and again. very cool dude.

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