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Posts posted by aquill1

  1. Thanks for the quick reply! How come they have them way over on the west side of the state? Keep it closer to the other states? Surprised there's nothing over on the east or southeast parts of the state? Since your full of information what about in ohio I wouldn't mind driving that way? Any pics of your setup?

  2. Any prices on the product/options and do you have a price limit?

    I'm impartial to solox with either 2 2607's or solox and rf t4000

    although that is kind of absurd to even put the 2607d with that amp as they don't compare...your looking at a $400 amp vs. a $1500 amp??? Me personally I'd go 2 2607s and solox unless money wasn't an object...than that choice is obvious!

  3. I heard that the solo x should only receive around 2500rms-3000rms to it...that was coming from a guy on here that had his for sale..

    actually here's his response to my asking about getting 2 2607ds to it


    "Well, it depends on your usage. We had the two of em in a jeep cherokee, with a kicker zx2500 at 1 ohm on each. For daily driving, this was more than enough. They were nearly maxed out on most music. So, if your gonna be using it as a daily setup, i wouldnt go over 3000 RMS. I dont care what the specs say, you would tear them up quick on 5000 daily. Let me know if i can help ya with anything else." Un-Quote

  4. Man decisions decisions...I'll probably just change all wiring (big 3) and perhaps a nice battery. If that doesn't work than I'll get a bigger alt. Will a bigger alt but not a h/o one built by say dom help perhaps and not affect the idle power? If I do the big 3 and battery what battery is best suited for this? Lastly I won't be doing competitions or anything just a little bass to be heard inside of the vehicle and thats about it I won't be pounding away making the car rattle or anything just a little surround bass I guess you could say...

  5. as i've heard that's the down fall of going with an HO alternator ........ not much idle power. now you'll have more idle power than your stock alternator so that's a good thing. but you can always rev the gas a little.

    Hmmm? You mean idle power for the system not the engine correct? By losing power I imagine you guys are just speaking of the lag it puts on the drivetrain...kind of like when your a/c is on the car doesn't accelerate as fast?

    So much for a quick question huh! ;)

  6. looking at the prices you might as well go with the 220 but yet ask yourself how much of a difference in idle amperage will you lose with going with the biggest alternator? do you care about idle power?

    Is that what changes going to a h/o alt? I wouldn't mind knowing all the ins and outs of getting a better one? Will it make the idle spike when idling? I'd hate that I like smooth clean idling...

  7. no it wouldn't hurt your electrical system to get a bigger alternator but with what you are running you don't need it. now if you plan on upgrading to more power down the road then by all means then upgrade to a bigger alternator along with running some 1/0 gauge instead of 4 gauge.

    Oh for sure the big 3 would be in order...I'd probably run 0 awg for the amp...Thanks again...Here's the prices he gave me

    180 $399

    200 $419

    220 $439

    Considering that I'd just go as big as possible considering the cost difference is nothing and I'd always have an upgradeable electrical system B)

  8. I have the same one he has! Its orange right? I got mine a set of like 12 blades and a black bag to but all of that in for under 25 bucks...worked fine to me and you can get a warrantee for it too but its not worth the cost of the warranty...mine was on sale regular like 30 I think...it was on sale for like 17 or something the bag was on sale as well as the big pack of blades that came with its own sling thing to hold the blades...

  9. If your seriously wanting to do this i can get all sorts of power supplier...if your just trying to run a cd player and no amp you can run off of a small amperage power supply, best bet would be a 10 amp contin I get them for 35. They have a 15 amp one at radio shack not sure if its surge or continuous though...Also you can run a small amp off of that but it'd have to be like 100rms or less...I ran one all summer long on my display and never had any problems til i tried to run bigger amps off of it!!!

  10. I guess I'm just curious why you asked our opinion and wanted your opinion on other cars yet you were already sold on that car, that year, that model and that engine? What was the sense in asking us? You asked us for our opinion and we gave it yet you've shot every single one down and argued when you really didn't want to know what we thought anyways??? Still friends though right? ; )

  11. See everyone is saying the same thing...I'm with ya man...I'm just not into that older jeep now because of the newer one...a close friend had a 95 g cherokee laredo with the infinity sound and she swore she'd never get rid of it...I thought it was nice but I now like the newer ones because of the sleeker looks...I didn't say it wasn't luxurious the front end just looks dated thats all...the car inside looks extremely similar to the 99 I worked on...Remember working on his almost made me want one! I'm telling you its like looking into his when I saw the pics of that one you want. ; ) I looked for a couple of weeks! But than noticed that for a 250/month 48 month loan I could drive a 02-03 mercury mountaineer and seat 7 people in it...we have different takes on it...I understand why you want that one at least which nobody on here gets...right?

    Just be weary when a deal seems to good like the link above...it sounds like you've done your homework and have no problem spending 6k on that one so I'd say a nice shape one goes for taht... that one has less mileage but at least the other one you know who owned it and how he supposedly took care of it vs. some mom and pop dealer that just threw wood shavings in the oil! ; 0

    Try showing that guy that ad and tell him you'll pay him 4800!

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