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Posts posted by lifted_silverado

  1. Im looking at purchasing a porsche cayenne turbo from a dealer at home. Nice vehicle good price, my question to those of you who drive/own high end euro cars is about maintenence. Do i really have to take it to specific euro vehicle mechanic shops for any repairs/maintenence? I was wondering if Mr. Meade has to take his lexus to certain shops or if doing the normal maintenence and repairs are do-able by myself? Any help would be appreciated.

  2. When i was growin up, i had my ass whipped on a regular basis. I learned my lesson from it to. When we were kids in school we didnt do shit like this. We would give a hard time or something innocent, if someone crossed a line the rest of us put him/her in check real quick. We've given the generation of kids today too much slack and too little responsibilty for themselves. If i had a nintendo 64 and i fucked up, it was gone either til i got my shit straight or it was permanantly taken. Now kids have all this shit given to them and have no consequences. Now not only can they make you feel like shit in front of a bunch of people but someone with an Iphone can post it on youtube 20 secs after it happened. I plan to raise my children better when i have them. I didnt have a cell phone til i bought one myself. If theres an emergency when i was growin up i was either in a controlled environment like school, a friends house with responsible adults or somewhere with a phone for emergency use. Im embarassed to be a part of todays society in alot of ways i guess you could say. If i were the parent of one of these kids, i'd take a long look in the mirror before i decided to beat the skin off their ass.

  3. Easy outs. I had the exact problem with my 06 suzuki z400 bumper. Bought these things from home depot, has a drill bit side you drill through the bolt with and then flip the bit over, stick the end inside your pilot hole and reverse out. It bites in and backs out the bolt.

    As far as the leak if its an E-brake block off plate theres no fluid behind it, unless the pin is broken or the seal busted somewhere. In wich case its probably going to be a pain the a$s

  4. Youre gonna want a rack outside of it to haul gascans, oils, and other fuming, ingnitable products. Obviously cabinets and such for spare parts. A small to medium toolbox. Somewhere to store ramps, stands, etc. a place for all your riding gear to stowe when youre done riding/racing. Maybe look into a small fride or containment for an ice chest. Little things in toy haulers that are overlooked are the most important. And if you have cabinets make sure you have locks/retainers on them. After a trip and all your stuff ends up on the floor rolling around you'll wish youd had them

  5. if its the first year of your license it will be that high.

    Less cc=less insurance, and its safer to start out on.

    Youll learn a lot more about cornering, and how you have to handle a motorcycle with a slower bike, because you need the keep the speed more constant to be faster. A normal 250cc should be able to go to 60mph in 7seconds. So its not slow.

    A honda/kawasaki/yamaha 500cc would also be a good starter.

    Dont start out on supersportbikes like gsxr, yamaha r, cbrs.

    Most of the people who want to start out riding those only want to go fast instead of actually drive a motorcycle.

    Squid much? Real riders dont drive their bikes, you RIDE it

  6. She has boots helmet and then yoga pants :facepalm: guess its better than bootie shorts but what do these girls think happens at 80mph on ashpalt. Their butt/legs will be so scarred and rasberried that they wont ever want to wear a bikini again...and that will just be a sin with a butt like that. My gf isnt allowed on my bike without full gear no matter the weather or what I am wearing. I tell her that if she wants to wear shorts or vans than she can ride her own bike because any injuries hse gets are my responsibilities.

    True words bro. Damn squids

  7. I had progressive.. i want to say it was less then $300 for a year... I had a ninja 650. And if this is your first bike dont get a 600 you will die probably

    Thats horseshit. Dont spread those lies. I know many people, myself included who started on bigger bikes and are fine.

    OP in florida we arent required to have insurance, i do know rates very place to place state to state. The MSF and BRC should def. lower the rate of any quote you recieve, i dont know what agent you spoke to but they dont sound very educated on the matter. Also on an R bike your rate will be higher, and the bigger the engine the bigger the rate. Just browse, what one brand insurance is good for someone isnt so great for the next

  8. I posted in the latest purchase thread, but thought i deserved my own thread to show my excitement.

    2008 GSXR 1000


    Strapped in the trailer ready to be brought to her new home


    Unloaded and sexy ;)


    Steel braided brake lines, graves full exhaust, K&N filter, double bubble widescreen, custom gripper seats, -1 front sprocket, scorpion alarm, and 520 zzz chain. Still havent seen it in person or ridden it because of out of state work.

  9. Congrats man. Also why does it have to be a boy to continue the audio hobby? Girls can be just as good as guys in the field also. Nothing hotter than a girl with a clean install and tells ya that she did it all herself.

    "By the time shes 18 i'll only be like forty, and you wont have to worry shes with some wierd dude cause we're best friends." <---deleted scene from knocked up where Jason segel is talking to seth rogen. I dont condone that lol

    Congrats man, bye bye sleeping in though :)

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