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Posts posted by nismo923

  1. I switched to some RF amps.. pricey but reliable.

    You nailed the pin on the head. I wouldn't mind running RF but as you said, pricey. And I have read a lot about the DC amps, I have also seen some negative things on AQ. So I guess it's still a toss up. More input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for all of the input guys. As of right now it's a three way tie for the amp. They tie consists of: American Bass VFL 80.1, AQ 1200D, and DC 1.2K. I got a price quote on the DC and it's a just a tad out of my price range, so if it is really worth the extra I will get it. Please give me input on if it is worth the extra money. I have never used AQ or DC amps and I have an American Bass four channel amp that I love, so I know they have good products. Thank you for the input guys.

  3. or if you wanna wait a lil you could get a DC 1.2k,

    Pm dwright27 for a price on one, i think youl like it :peepwall:

    Didn't know they were making a 1.2k. And I would love to run DC products. Now I need to PM dwright27 and get a quote.

  4. I'm enjoying the more input. I have a question about how clean the power is on the MB Quart and the Audiopipe. I have heard mixed reviews on the Audiopipe. Another question I have is with this much power what should my electrical look like?

  5. an audioque 1200d is in that price range.

    Thank you for the post. Does anyone else on this forum have an input? I'm not against the AQ 1200D. Just curious what else might be out there. I would prefer new over used.

  6. I am planning on getting one American Bass XFL. I was curious as to which amplifier I should put on it. I was told that I could put about 1,500 RMS clean power on it. So, I was curious as to which amplifier to go with. My budget is around $250.00

  7. One rule that I do know of is that it has to have a 2.5" VC or smaller to be in this class. Last I knew, the SA-12's had a 2.5" VC. Plus, I have seen numerous YouTube videos of these subs and TL numbers. So I know they can pound. I have never gotten to hear them personally though and kind of curious how they are with SQ.

  8. Okay. The reason I am asking is because the Street Stock Rules are rather vague. Termpro states that it can only be consumer level equipment. To me, the SA line is geared more towards consumer line. More than anything, I just wanted to make sure I was Okay before I go out and spend $400 on a pair of these things.

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