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07sOnAtA sp.ed

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Posts posted by 07sOnAtA sp.ed

  1. thanks for putting this up. now it make alot more sense. i see and have a better understand of how to install/use the dampening mats and the noise coating but what about the noise barriers? i saw that you had no time to do it your self, and the other guy will do it, but btw the dampening mats and the noise coating i cant imagin where the noise barrier would go.

    can you do something with that next?

  2. 2 15's will fit in a chrysler 300c. there's a decent amount of trunk space in those - but it will consume the majority or your trunk if you're going to port them. 1 15 might be a safer bet if you're looking to save some space still. just make sure you've got proper power to the right kind of sub and it will slam HARD. what kind of amp/subs/power supplies were you looking at putting in

    i hear what your saying, but that kinda doesnt make sense, b/c if thats the case he should just port 2x 12's and call it a day, b4 porting 1x 15.

    anyway, the true answer i believe your looking for was said many times already. conearea is the 1st and most important reason, but the second is airspace. for this example were only gonna compare, the 12, 15, 18... b/c 21's are not that common, and 10's a not really used that much.

    so cone area for these equal:

    12 inch sub=113.1

    15 inch sub=176.71

    18 inch sub=254.47

    2x 12's=235.62

    2x 15's=353.43


    assuming power is the same for all, they all have same rms, xmas, sensit., and f/s*

    here you have 2x 12's. the cone area of these 12's are ~235. so if you were to battle some1 w/ 1x 18 (cone area= ~254), your at a disadvantage to start off. and if everything is the same, like tuning and rms

    ... the 18 should be louder. but now if that same person had 15's, they would of had ~100 inches more of cone area for 2x more cubes of trunk space, putting them at a distinct advantage. and their system would be alot louder.

    so the main reason why so many people, especially car audiophiles go w/ 15's over 12's and sacrifice their trunk space, is to be happy. they rather go big, and be happy, then go small and want more.

    thats just my .02c, but more members will chime in

  3. The only problem I have is if you're going to buy it and in a short while sell it and drop more money into it. I'd wait to buy some better stuff if that was the case.

    honestly i like this idea, more. but its ultimately ur choice

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