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Posts posted by jbondox

  1. you can get a center signal by a Left plus right without any processing. Hell if you have a 2 channel amp powering your front stage you can use the L+ and R- leads to power the center channel which is how we did it back in the early days of the 90's. further with how I mentioned above you can build it's own passive network for the center or for all 3 and also add an attenuation circuit to match the output with the rest of the speakers.

    properly recorded 5.1 is going to be hard to beat with 2 channel but it is very possible for someone that knows what they are doing. I proved it recently but call it luck... ;) the reason being is the recording artist adds what he thinks it should be at...

    watch the eagles Hotel California DVD Audio disc with DTS Hotel California, the mixer moves you around the stage a bit, as Don Henley becomes predominant in the left channel for a few seconds then back to center, like he had to get up and fart then come back.

    But the best way to add one is to go for it and cut the dash, drop it in, and tune it... depending where the placement is in reference with the windshield, you are going to get a hump a 2k hz and will need to back it down

    make sure the speakers are all the same also, as not to mix the tone/timber up

  2. Donks... they all need crushed! Lambo doors... a lot of people when they were popular were kids that did not have vehicles, years later they have a car, and remember they were touched by what they seen previously... so you can't fault anyone

    hell I have spinners in my basement I have been trying to get rid of for 4 years now...maybe 5... I am awaiting the kid that wants them... maybe I will post them on this site.

  3. The 360.2 is a very nice piece, set up many and works like advertised. However, and i will say it for what it is worth (2 cents) Look into the audison Bit One.

    I have done a few of those recently and besides a few more useful features as an optical input, more inputs for summing, not to mention the setup is way easier than the RF unit or that the build quality of the bit 1 is way better... might want to look into it. Audison has info on their site http://www.audison.com/ and i have some on mine that audison doesn't have though you will have to wait for it to load off the server http://www.northolmstedperformance.com/ind...&Itemid=216

  4. Well this little vehicle needed some big sound. It was for a recording engineer and I had some great reference material... such as listening to it on some crazy gear in the studio then tuning the car.

    alot of build and scrap for the woofer enclosure and the rear surround speakers was committed to achieve the best possible sound

    here is the layout

    and a few pictures




    the rest are here :


    I will add a write up explaining everything later, gotta go watch some football

  5. Lilliput and xenarc all have monitors, however one has the rear camera input trigger on the screen,as it will not work on a mobile PC because of the boot up time. the PC can be used to run your whole audio system if you want also.

    further a good software for the mobile environment will do wonders like the centrafuse


    also some accessories can be had here


  6. Looks very cool, but I was unimpressed by the time it took for everything to function...

    What would really blow me away would be if it is connected to the alarm and can warn you of a break in anywhere that there is a network....this way it virtually would have infinite range...that would kick ass.

    It seems 2 way communication is coming soon


    but the comment about unimpressed about the time it took? I think it was pretty quick considering, the person pushed the button, data went wirelessly through the cellular network, the cellular network then did its little divide and conquer, sent it back to the carrier, which transmitted it from the cell tower, vehicle received and decoded the command... I don't think it was that bad, just like a SMS message I guess

  7. idk bout the smart start thing...

    it's cool but how practical is it?

    with my 5901 i can do all that with pretty decent range

    and lets think, when he starts his car, he's still gonna need his keys anyways for the ignition.. idk cool idea but not very practical imo

    not always true, this was referencing the unit I asked them to see if they can integrate it to their starter interfaces. If the owner of the vehicle has keylessgo (Mercedes push start) then he will never need to take his key out of his pocket. pretty much all cars need a key to drive away with, the only one that I know of that doesn't is the lotus 2eleven, hell and even I am not sure about that as I was too focused on getting into the vehicle.

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