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Everything posted by MustangGT

  1. ok thanks. I'm going to start looking for videos showing how to build a box to those specs.
  2. what are the best specs for a box for a fi bl?
  3. I would need to take off the middle seat correct.
  4. would a 10" sound pretty good and be able to have good space. ?
  5. ok so I don't know the measurements but in this video this guy has the same truck with the dame sub.
  6. thanks. that's what I originally wanted. any suggestions on how to make a box for it.
  7. ok so I want to buy a 2003 silverado single cab. and I want to buy a system for it. I was thinking of buying a fi bl sub but idk which I should get a 10" or a 12"? which would also fit better? I will be powering it with a aq1200d amp.
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