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Status Updates posted by AaronWilliams

  1. Dear Sinus Cavity,It has come to my attention that you are trying to cause some issues with drying and making me sick. I must ask you to cease and desist on the grounds that you're making me miserable. If you persist, I will be forced to schedule an appointment with the appropriate physician to permanently correct the situation. As a safeguard, I have deployed a bottle of saline nasal spray, a box of green tea, various soups, and I am prepared to utilize a netti pot if hostilities persist....

  2. thinking negatively. I've gotta stop with that. it hinders progression.

  3. got the parts i needed to fix my iPhone today, just to find out the replacement screen is damaged. (no bueno)

  4. yup, I'm still awake. smh

  5. the geek in me is working, and i cant keep up. I've gotta slow down and get these plans on paper.

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