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Posts posted by akrja_07

  1. I would get the big 3 done ASAP. And if that doesn't help check ALL your chassis and frame grounds, alt groud, motor ground, EVERYTHING. Also, throw a MM on your alt one time to see what it is charging at. See what kind of current is ACTUALLY coming out of it.

    I plan to redo big 3 when someone who knows what the hell they are doing is available to help me. How do I check my alt with DMM? I do have that !!

  2. It is a cheap eBay alternator, came with stats that stated 80 amps @ 800 RPM, 125 amps @ 1200RPM and I think 160 @ 3000 RPM. But I needed to replace my stock 80 amp anyways because it was going bad so I just put a little extra into this, figure it would be much better than the stock 80 amp.

    I idle at 14.4 with everything off, if the subs are on it drops immediately to the low 12's, but if I put the RPMs to about 1000 is stays at about 13 volts. No big 3, tried that and dimming just got worse, Do plan to redo when I find someone to help me. And I'm sorry but I don't know what a voltage regulator is, so no, I don't think I have one if it's something aftermarket.

  3. I am running about 1000 wrms. I have a 160 amp alternator and still having dimming issues, rarely but it pisses me off when it happens, plus my Stinger is constantly bouncing between 12.1 and 13.6 volts (sometimes drops to 11.9, rarely drops this low, goes right back up when gas is pressed) I want it constantly in the high 13's or 14 volts. So I was thinking of adding a battery in the trunk and was looking at the Kinetiks and found one on eBay. It is the Kinetik HC800 for $129 shipped.

    Is that an ok deal for those batteries? Would this be a good upgrade for me, or a waste of money and pointless? If I decide to get a new amp that did 2krms, would this hold up to that? And lastly is there any difference between the HC800 and the KHC800? Thanks!!

  4. Dude, I know you are on a budget like everyone else, but get yourself some new damn terminals. That might be part of your problem.

    What terminals? My biggest problem is my lack of knowledge, not budget... Tell me what I need, specifically please, in terms a noob like me would understand... When you say terminals I assume you mean something like this. Stinger SHT301 Hpm Stereo Expert Battery Terminals

    I have looked into these, but my factory connections that connect to the battery have to slide over the posts, so how would I work that out? I assume just remove factory connections and tie them in??

  5. Everytime i try to download itunes it gets to the very end and says "couldn't access network location %appdata%\" I have tried downloading using IE and Fire Fox but nothing works... Any ideas? BTW I just did a complete restore on my PC less than a week ago so it may just be that I need a driver or something...?? PC is a Dell Inspiron 530 if it matters..

  6. I appreciate your attempts to help but I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say. All I really got from that was the black wire going to the top of the motor is not a good ground. There is a factory ground already there, so while it may not be the best ground, it's a ground. Are you just saying locate a better one? And the positive wire (0 gauge from alternator) was hooked to the positive on the battery, and fused @ 300 amps.

  7. You want shot that's really impressive look up Stevy cod4. He's a professional that plays the best cod ever, cod4. His shots would make you shot your pants. Me and a couple friends considered trying to go pro and he was my idol for that shit. Not to mention he makes about 140 grand a year doing it at 21 years old. ;)

    Cod frag videos ftfw.

    Just watched an 8 minute tage from your boy and he's pretty beast. M40A3 FTW! Lovin the COD4 clips I miss that game, though I'm looking at it as I type... Maybe I'll go play that shit...

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