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Posts posted by nickers

  1. i have a battery charger that does "maintenance free/Deep cycle" and "low maintenance". it does 2 amp, and 15 amp battery charges, however its not one of those smart charges where it turns off when the battery is fully charged.

    by me not knowing what do with it first, straight from the store, i mean do i charge it or run it down then charge it

  2. IN that SPL gains thread (SPL GAINs ) the guy said, and showed on termlab that he lost output by rounding the corners in his box, but certain corners gained. Can someone help explain which corners are best for round/angling.

    a side note: my port ends rather close to the side of my box, but its a port width away so no worries. i was wondering if i rounded the side corner its close to would it increase airflow/deebeez?

  3. peal and seal/ equivalent products would deaden yes however it is much thinner and therefore requires more to do the same amount of dampening. not only that but its melting point is much lower than car audio brand mats.

    another question i would have is, if i resort to using that in the doors should i also use aluminum tape as extra "protection" to keep it on?

    or is there something else that would keep it on.

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