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I am Poncho

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Status Updates posted by I am Poncho

  1. Nothing like a long day to start a long weekend/ week..

  2. nothing like planting 230+ flowers in the mud and rain...

  3. nothing like waiting till the last week of class and getting your books and doing all your homework in class on the last day and finishing it all with 20 minutes to spare... B-)

  4. OC'd to 4.4+ not to bad if i do say to myself.

    1. Raptorman


      What cooling/chip/mobo?

  5. off to the UPS store to send out my monitor, goodbye my precious. then who knows?

  6. oh hey look its my birthday.. *inner monologue* mhmmm what alcohol do i have in my room.. oh hey some uv blue. *end of line* okay a shot for every year ive been alive.. lets see how old am.......... fuuuck.. *starts pouring*

  7. okay imserious this time, packing up the new 360 and MW3 and sending it all back so i get a new one. sad day for poncho. dont know what im going to do for the next 2 weeks without MW3... D,:{

  8. okay Newegg what part of "rush processing" don't you understand. i wanted to get my stuff sat. that's giving you 3 days to ship after the day i placed my order, with your 3 day guaranteed shipping... pfft. oh well looks like Monday is going to be a funday.

  9. okay so is it bad that i cannot watch star wars without thinking about how bad the special effects are i mean im not trying to be all 68 is colder than 47 but its so hard for me to just enjoy the movie and not rage over the stupid little mistakes or impracticalities in this movie....

  10. omfg just checked my email... MY PRECIOUS IS ON ITS WAY HOME!!1 *does jig* soo happy... i cannot wait. :DDD

  11. ordered my MW3 XBOX 360!! cannot wait till Wednesday! can you say all-nighter?

    1. corey0928


      Why wait til wednesday when you can get it tonight lol.

  12. Perfect end to a pretty fantastic day I think. Thank you whoever called N.P.D. on us. Truely.

  13. playing on the Linux comp. yay good times..

  14. Poncho is getting so meaned about ready to poof. But lucky my manna bar is running low today so I don't think it will get cereal.

  15. post tonight seeing how gus's no longer exists. who wants to be my DD?? pregaming then well, we'll see what happens....

  16. pretty badass day today. did some stuff around the house i didnt want to do then went and hung out with some pretty awesome people like every weekend. even had an addition to the crowd. :) spree was cool. now to sleep. . .

  17. really hope the ups guy beats the pizza guy here... :-/inb4: jimmy johns bullshit

  18. Shit is wack but still.going strong.

  19. so fucking tired. fucking car. fucking brakes. fucking lawns. fuck.

  20. so i ask the world... why are twizzlers so addicting?

  21. So yes should be a good day today..

  22. sooo fucking pissed off right now. trying not to do anything stupid...

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