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Posts posted by Sheena

  1. I'm kind of leary of clicking links I'm not familar with, but I'm guessing it's a CCW badge prominently displayed?

    I've never seen one in the wild but when I do it'll be like the time I saw my first Maybach and Porsche GT on the highway.

    I remember them like it was yesterday. Still waiting on my CCW badge sighting though:)

    a well respected mod and person in this community is not going to give you a virus bro.

    relax please.

  2. I feel you guys on the ankles I shattered mine a few years back on a quad. I have one leg longer than the other slightly haha thankfully can't really tell though. Wheelchair for 3 months.

    The sciatic nerve being pinched sucks though man. Maybe one day in the future of medicine they will come up with a way to fix that.

    it comes and goes.. depends how you sit down i sit in a hard chair so i pinch it all day.. it will go away soon though.

  3. 21 years old.

    have a pinched sciatic nerve.

    game over.

    to save you some googling, basically its a nerve in your lower back and when it gets pinched, it makes it near impossible for you to stand/walk/get up.. and you walk like an old man.

    in un related news.. this past weekend i was jumping over a lawn chair and clipped the back of it with the tip of my shoe, falling in mid air the chair went in the same direction i did and i slammed my foot into the ground crooked, put all my weight on it and severely sprained it.. it swole up to the size of a baseball where my ankle is. had a date that night and was limping the entire time. also could not move my foot at all.

  4. Holy fuck @ all the kids screaming asking for audio advice, lmfao. Should be outlawed like in regular SMD chat...

    im watching the tv in the background and reading the dumb ass comments LOL

    Lol, that's why I wouldn't like a Youtube video with chat, because anyone and everyone posts shit...if it's going to be a video chat, it should be along side SMD chat, and follow the same guidelines...mainly no audio advice in chat, lmfao. I've seen about 50 comments in less than a minute asking for audio advice...

    or asking how much his tahoe system costs lol.

    or asking for free shit and stuff.. good lorddddddddd

  5. did you recently do anything to hurt your ears? in the past 2-3 days.

    any sound that is loud will make your ears hurt for a few days.

    i know when i shoot a .45 without hearing protection and run 2-3 clips i cant hear shit out of my left ear.

    when i sat in carlos' 150 xterra i had slight hearing problems the next day, but they went away later that night.

    i am not hating on your setup, but unless you have severely sensitive ears, your setup should NOT hurt your hearing.

    considering youve had it for a while, your probably already used to it..

    so something else is the issue.

  6. Belt slippage is most commonly related to how much of the circumference or surface area of the pulley is covered by the belt. If you have a limited amount of belt wrap, my suggestion would be to possibly change belt length and add a backside idler pulley (which you can get at most auto supply stores). In the proper location, this will allow you to wrap the alternator pulley more completely. If you keep jumping up to higher amperages, more than likely you will lose exponentially more power. That's basically the same thing as taking your money and throwing it into the trash. The 09 civic comes with a 7 groove serpentine belt...so it's definitely not the belt that is causing the problem, unless your belt is not fitted or tensioned properly. I hope this helps.


    It actually does help quite a bit.

    More info for us 06-09 guys is amazing and I'll surely take it lol

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