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Posts posted by Stee-Z

  1. sorry .. im usuing a 9515 DD strapped to an AQ 2200.. sorry bout that

    Why do you want a 30 hz tuning???? that sub can play WAYYYY below tuning frequency, specially on that big ass box, if you still want to tuned it lower, just shrink the port area a little bit, that sub can still play strong as hell with around 55 SQ of port :)

    Then your port to net Cu. ft. ratio will be off.

    Who cares!!!

    I think he should. If he has too much port the box could start sounding like crap. And start to decrease spl substantially.

    You are confused.


    no haha, my current tuning is 30 hz, Sorry this is the first box i have evr heard my dd in, so i dont know what the difference is if i would tune it around 36, which is where it currently is at. But my current box at 30 hz can get very very low, and I really like the lows! sorry to have any confusion in this thread haha.


    Outer dim.

    16" high

    28" wide

    30" deep


    2.5" high

    26.5" wide

    26" long

    Net vol. 4.13 ft.^3

    tuning freq. 36.33hz

    Port area per ft. 16.03 in sq

    ~The port is across the bottom on this box design~

    i have most of my box built, but i decided i wanted more of a lower tuning like my current box at 30 hz. I love the lows. Can someone change the port length for it to be a little lower, aroundish where my current box is tuned to? If possible I would appreciate it very much.

  3. Ive been thinking about some songs that would be kind of fun to hear bass boosted, and others I would just like some more bass to. I don't know if their is a thread like this so sorry if their is! If Anyone could Boost these songs for me I would be very happy! I mean who wouldn't wanna bump out to play that funky music by wild cherry? haha sorry im trying to think of some sick songs to roll down the street with haha!

    Some songs just for fun

    Play that funky music - wild cherry

    Sandstorm - Darude

    If You Must - Del the funky homosapien

    Africa - Toto

    I want to break free - Queen


    California Love - Tupac

    Id rather be your nigga - tupac

  4. Ever since my battery fried..lol... i havnt had bass, im saving up for new battery. So i just hooked it without battery. and turned bass down and everything so i could have a nice bass. when i hooked it up it was like normal, but i turned my volume down and put it on my normal settings.. what i realized was i could turn it to my normal volume and bass where it should be with battery, and my lights don't even dim.... shouldnt my amp be drawing that power like crazy... its like something else is wrong, or is the ampjust notexcepting that voltage drop? can someone help me out here?

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