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Posts posted by kwag415

  1. Thanks :woot:

    There is a sticky at the top of this section, supply links etc to some good sites where you can get stuff.

    get your yellow pages out and find a local auto body supply store. There a also tons of threads just like this one. As well as build threads you can probably pickup a few tips. Also might be able to find more useful info on fiberglassforums. Good luck :good:

    Get out there and get ya hands dirty. 8)

  2. Thanks guys Much help! i will be looking into it trying to make soome tweeter domes

    What is wrong with the resin from home depot? Or better yet, what makes a resin good or bad? I used to the stuff from home depot (3M or Bondo can't remember now) and it seems to have worked fine.

    Best way to put it, is that it is B stock resins.

    Once you use quality resins, you would understand. Night and day differance.

    The good resin is thinner and has an even consistancy from mix to mix. You will always know what your gettting.

    The stuff from the hardware stores is thick. Imgine trying to spread honey compared to water.

    You can soak the material much better, cheaper, with the good stuff.

    Speaking of material. Old school knowledge and general cheapness say use fleece. BUT, it takes twice as much resin to completely soak it. Use a thinner material, like swimsuit material from the fabric stores. It stretches super easy for no wrinkles (key part of a job), and uses little resin to hold.

    You MUST add mat to your project fro strength. Just plain resined material will be brittle. We have done test to prove this. But again. lazy people will skip it cause they assume resined fleece is strong.

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