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Everything posted by jbettt

  1. Alright, you guys tell me. Current box: 12 inch Kicker L7 x2 with a 2000 watt pyle amp in a sealed box hits pretty hard considering that amp is pretty underpowered , like its giving 200-500 watts or so , these sound pretty good for my first box i made with 3/4 mdf, but i want .. deeper, more annoying the shit out of my neighbors bass (not really) i only got em on when im goin down the highway only fun place to bump hard treatin these well so i can sell em cuz theyre soo good condition exccept 07 models i think! so some ppl dont like that BUT!!! I WANT LOUDER, BETTER, CHEAPER! Whats better ? Port my box... will porting two l2s make a difference THAT much on 200-500 watts i think its more but im just saying. if you own a camry this makes my mirror shake and ALMOST (tilt) down currently on my ($hitty amp!) but tell me if you got a better idea -Get a 21 inch warden (i know thats like raping my car, but i want to jump to the top of the totem pole) -get a fi btl and a fosgate or sundown or powerbass (idk much bout them!) ) -get TWO kicker l7 15's (i can get them cheap, are two or three a competition for a FI or DC or TC?) AMP QUESTION:can you wire two amps to one speaker, i was always wondering. im completely independent on dis shit trust me, i got no friends to ask this common sense stuff 2 but i got a system so im not too st00pid lol so dont down me haha #2: would i want a class D or any mono amp for a fi btl/spl 'good sub(s)' u suggest for me! (daily subs) i think you all know what i mean! help me get a good system im workin ma ass off get my back hur, must bump lol (and not irritate da shit outa u) thkx & last thing, anyone here from chitown? im droppin in & seein who around here got down some car audio and keep up on dis & no i have not yet gotten dynamat i mite order some soon. i just moved here from lithuania so im a lil tight atm but im all plannin for a month or so ^including this, thats alot of last things, sorry guys, have not been on a english forum forever ! im new! D:[/size][/size][/size][/font]
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