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Posts posted by trjohnst

  1. They are a solid, quality company, but are one of the more expensive ones. They do quite a bit of high end stuff for the football players around here (Julius Peppers), nascar drivers (Kurt Busch, Kasey Kahne), and some basketball players (Michael Jordan). They do good work, but at a higher cost; its kinda like West Coast Customs for the Charlotte area. That is my opinion of course.

  2. So i've been checking my amp voltage, and it seems to get a steady 14.4 Volts with my big 3 finished up. Is this good or does it need to be upgraded so that I can get 14.7 volts? I just got my alternator put back on (stock 80 Amp) and I am running at 14.4 volts without a strong load on it. If I do need to upgrade, what would be a good way to do it? I don't want to put a HO alt on this car because it wont last much longer and I dont want to waste money. Yes I understand that I could ruin the one I have and have to spend more money on another one, but I have a lifetime warranty on this one and can replace it whenever I want when it goes out, for free.

  3. I would think it would be some regulator in the amp, or the voltage regulator in your alt. But if everything else is working with your car, such as the head lights, battery light on the dash, etc, then it shouldnt be your voltage regulator. Check your 0 gauge wire all the way to the battery, and make sure it has no tears in it where it is touching metal or the chassis. If this is happening, it could be cutting the voltage. Another idea is your fuse, try changing it out and seeing if that helps. The fuse could see all the power and not be able to handle it due to a defective fuse, then it could give up and drop voltage, causing the amp to shut off.

  4. So since I got my BC2000D, I have ran it with 1 AQ HDC3 copper 15" sub. I have a 4.77 ft^ gross volume box for 2 15's and was thinking about putting my other HDC3 in it with the one I already use in order to see if I gain some DB's. If I did this, I would run my BC2000D at 4ohms or at .5ohm. My amp gets around 13.7 volts, but I dont think I have the proper power supply to run it at .5ohms. In the case that I do, would I gain some SPL by running 2 HDC3 15's at .5 ohm in a 4.77 cubic foot sealed box, or to keep my regular setup which is 1 HDC3 15" in a slot ported box tuned in the mid/low 30s at 1ohm? I will hopefully be doing my big 3 this weekend/this week. So what I want to know is which one you guys think would give me the most SPL performance? Below is a pic of my sealed box with my RE's


    Here is my current box


    I also have another question, I have a 150Amp fuse under the hood, i have been told to add another 12" or closer to the amp, is this true? If so, how much does it need to be, another 150amp fuse?

  5. Well I owned one for a while, it was like a 95' Jetta VR6 with 65k miles, and sold it after like 2-3 months. Got it, great car for driving. It was a great car but the windows went out twice and the car would randomly not start (which was a vacuum leak causing it not not start....so dumb). But they have really shitting electrical in their cars, IMO, and causing a lot of stuff to go wrong. Great price, great car, but not worth the constant repairs IMO.

  6. So I am about to take out my 4 gauge wire and replace it with some 1/0 gauge wire. My Crescendo BC2000D needs some 1/0 in order to receive enough power. I think I need about 20-25ft of it for my 91 Honda Accord, but I also need some to do the big 3 on my car. So I was thinking about buying 50ft, but if I can, I want to buy 25 ft. The best deal I found on Ebay was from Bullz Audio for $44 for 50 ft. Has anyone tried this brand because its a good price, but I dont know how thick their insulation is. I want something that works fine and is pretty cheap, I dont want to spend over $50, but I might have to. Give me some suggestions if you have any.

  7. I got the new model SRX RE Audio 15's and posted something about my subs. I got 2 of them on ebay and after I had them outside while I was working on my box, bubbles came up in the cone because of the heat outside. Since they have a plastic cone on the outside (paper underneath), the plastic got hot and bubbled the cones. I returned them and got a new pair but havn't used them yet because I got AQ HDC3's. Their new stuff has lost its quality. There were some old model ones on ebay that had cap's without stickers on them and were fairly cheap. See if you can find them on ebay.

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