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Posts posted by medley123

  1. So I tried inverting my sub woofer today to see how it would look and when I was playing songs, I can hear this click noise when the bass hits. I don't believe its clipping because I tuned it with an O-Scope and I've been running it that way for 4 months now and it has sounded fine. When I listened closely, it sounded like it was coming from the coils or something. I didn't hear it before since the motor was in the box but when I inverted it, I was able to hear it. Anyone have any clue as to what may be causing the problem/is it normal? My power is on the opposite side of the car of the RCA's. The amp is an AQ1200d and the sub is an AA Havoc.

  2. Actually what I was looking at was the Lexan sheets, forgot to mention it. If you were doing an entire wall out of plexiglass, I would guess you would want 3/4" - 1" thick sheet. I could be completely off on that though, but thats what I would guess

  3. So I was thinking about trying to put a little plexiglass window in my box (maybe 8x8 or so?) for an AA Havoc 15". I was wondering how it would affect my playing if I did not use a thick sheet (i.e could I use a 3mm sheet with alot of sealant or something?). Would a lot of air leak out/would it not be able to withstand the pressure

  4. Photo0210.jpg

    Even though I said I would have time to take pictures, I really wasn't concerned with doing so.. so theres not many of the making of the box.. But here is what it looks like with the port cut and positioned.


    Throwing some caulk on the edges


    And here's the semi-finished product with the stuff hooked up. The amp isn't positioned how I want it since my amp wire is short from my last setup, but that will be fixed after I paint it since I got some more for free from a buddy :). And yes the wiring is very messy, but it will change, like I said, after i paint it.


  5. Alright, this is my first shot at a powerful system so more than likely there are going to be quite a few screw ups :peepwall: That being said, lets get started!

    Equipment -

    Subwoofer: (1) D2 Ascendant Audio Havoc 15"

    Amplifier: AQ1200d wired to 1 Ohm

    Door Speakers: Pioneer TS-G1343R

    Head Unit: Pioneer DEH-2200UB

    Wiring: 4 Gauge ground and power




    Here's a comparison of the Havoc to my old Pioneer 12" sub


    Some Coils!


    And here's a quick diagram of the setup(Measure twice cut once... or in this case draw 4 different diagrams, build the 5th. lol)


  6. Just one dvc?? Because for one subwoofer the wiring configuration is different also. Dvc 2 wires to 1ohm or 4ohm. Dvc 4 wires to 8ohm or 2ohm.

    Oh I know, I'm just thinking for future add ons. If I were to get another DVC, could I buy 1 amp to power both at 1 ohm. It's currently a setup of AA Havoc 15" and an AQ1200. More than likely I'll just get another sub and amp instead rather than buying 2 new subs.

  7. yeah, AQ1200D was what I was originally looking at, but then I did some searching on Audiosavings and found the cadence f1200 that says 1200 rms at 1 ohm and its $100 cheaper. I was just wondering if the cadence had decent quality

  8. I was looking around for a good amplifier that can do around 1200 rms and stumbled across the Cadence F1200-1D. Says it does about 1200 RMS at 1 ohm. Has anyone had experience with this amp and could tell me if they are durable?

  9. Alright... so my friend is trying to decide on a subwoofer for his car, but doesn't know what to choose. He has narrowed his choices down to 2:

    http://ascendantaudio.com/havoc.php - $340 for the 15"



    He doesn't think the $90 is worth paying for the 250 more RMS, so I figured I would turn to the coolest forum around for some help. What do you guys think? Should he spend the extra $90 for the AA Havoc? or get the AQ 15"

    Also, he will be powering it with http://www.audioque.com/AQ1200D-Amplifier_p_30.html

    Appreciate any and all help!

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