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Posts posted by getlocivic

  1. sounds like alot of b.s. especially for a guy who paid for the box i would be more worried if he had not paid . really with out knowing his the situation i would try and give him more than 48 hrs i think by law if it does not get claimed by 30 days you can do as you wish. just tell him you ran out of space and that he needs to come and pick it up or you will charge for stoarage for x amount of days ? after that the box goes outside and uf it gets weathered or stloen its not ur responsibility . try to atleast give him more than enough time so he cant blame you and also you can try and get some extra monies for your troubles

    did you miss the part where he expected a fast turnaround so i busted my ass all day.. that was 8 days ago almost 9 days now..

    also i forgot 2 mention 2 days ago..he said "ill be there at 3" so i cleared my entire schedule..and waited for him.. and he stood me up ( i actually called off work to do so also)

  2. Telling someone that you're either going to "burn it or sell it to some1 else" is tactless. If you're doing a business deal with someone, be professional and just say that it's using a lot of your free space preventing you from making boxes for other people and you need it out of there by X date or they will forfeit the box. The person already paid you, so it's not an issue of them not having the money.

    what the fuck do you think ive been doing? sitting around with my thumb up my ass??

    professionalism went out the window a week ago..

    i txt him EVERYDAY 2 or 3 times a day..and he continues to blow me off

    so i see it as your post was NOT needed

  3. You do this on the side? No tax I'd or anything right? If you do it as a business I'd start putting something on your invoices about storage fees. How big is it?

    i do it strictly as a hobby (love wood working in my free time).. i usually do 1 to 2 boxes a week for local craigslist ppl etc etc..

    and its just over 5 cubic feet total volume.. double layer birch all around.. but the thing is like freakin 24" deep and hogs up 80% of my "free corner" lol

  4. I have a friend that has a moped with a mechman 110amp alt. They made it custom for him. His is a 2010 and thats all I remember. Mechman told him that, that is the highest and that is pushing it.

    I have a friend that has a moped with a mechman 110amp alt. They made it custom for him. His is a 2010 and thats all I remember. Mechman told him that, that is the highest and that is pushing it.

    How much did he paid for it?

    thats totally irrelevant..

    diff cars/application cost differently..

  5. i just had a realll good laugh i could run u off the road lolol

    and i bet if you just got ahold of mechman and asked they could help..

    granted ur prolly not going to get a fucking 270 or 300 amp.. but hell even if they could get a 150ampr in there itd be better than nothing..

    soo i see it like this... actually get ahold of them an get answers.. other than thinking "they cant do it"

  6. Ok.. so last week i built this guy a box.. he insisted i have a fast turnaround.. so i did everything in 1 day.. ( did 45s int he corners coverd it with velvet n all) .. i txt him and said look the box is done and come pick it up..

    its now been 8 days since the box was done,..and literally EVERYDAY he comes up with a new excuse that he cant come get it etc etc

    and its pissing me off because its really in my way and i have other boxes to build..

    hes done paid for the box also..

    so what im asking is what would YOU do? im highly considering either throwing the box away (bc it wont work with my subs).. OR sell it to somebody else..

    im at wits end with this customer

    also i might have have put this in the wrong section,..ooops

  7. yup 60amp alty making maybe 35 40amps after accounting for the basics in the car..

    and prolly trying to run what 1000w or more lol.. not happening

    also mechman can make a alt for ANY ANY car..

    i bet you have severly discharged your batteries and they are on they way to being bad too

    edit i see your trying to run a saz2000d with a STOCK alt.. wow.. im surprised u aint seen magic smoke yet

  8. have you ever tried mechman for a alt

    they can fit a alternator on just about anything

    also you keep saying "they re wired the stock alt for high amp" so they tore the case apart and put new insides in it.. just for a few extra amps..

    ive known a couple ppl get thier stock alts rewrapped for maybe 50 to 60 more amps but then the alt gets soo hot its not worth it

  9. shuriken is the sister brand to kinetik.. but ive never had a issue with a shuriken battery (and ive owned a few) still own a forever old bt100 that rests at 12.9 still..ive had many kinetik batteries swell on me...ive also had a few ppl tell me that the black cases on the shuriken is thicker than the blue case on kinetik

    xs power is THE best battery out.. just do some research in the threads.. 20bux says in 10mins of looking around youll find your answer.. but answerd in greater detail

    just look at the battery pads of the xs they are the size of a quarter (25c) and the battery pads on the shuriken and kinetiks are dime sized ( 10c)

    either way i currently run all xs power in my chevy but i also have shuriken too.. if your on a budget like most ppl are the shuriken is gonna do ya just fine

    edit o and XS power warranty and customer service is off the chain

    also i know SKARAUDIO guy has a whole lot of new shuriken batteries for cheaper than online.. look em up

  10. Ok that is good to know...so basically amp is a pos but sub is good then...ill check out older posts about the big 3, batteries etc. Thx that helps!

    yes the orion hcca line is no slouch very beefy woofer.. i actually ran a 12" version a few yrs ago and it did the job for me

    and yes the planet audio BIG BANG series does rated power.. only the big bang series tho

  11. that 3500w kole amp is a joke it wont even properly power thAT hcca.if the price is good then id consider it

    and you ALWAYS need to do the big 3 upgrade and with a amp that can power the hcca you need at least a 2nd battery in the back

    capacitors are junk..stay away from them they do more harm then good.. bc they only store instant power and discharge just as fast..then to keep itsself "charged" it pulls more from the underhood battery..therfore draining it more.. even tho its already supplying everything.. so your electrical will suffer..

    and plz do research before you go asking a bunch of questions that could be asked in greater detail if you just did 10 mins of researching on this forum

    there are at least 2 or 3 threads about capacitors and batteries etc etc

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