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Posts posted by JWBryant

  1. My advice is to get some of you favorite music on your ipod that gets you pumped. Watch some YouTube vids of bodybuilders or transformation videos. Or just work hard in the gym and start seeing results and getting compliments and makes you want to work harder to keep getting those compliments. OR the last thing is that I would suggest is take a pre-workout like jack3d hemo rage ect. But that is the last option if all those don't work.

    I'm not sure what type of workouts your doing or what your trying to achieve as in just cardio or weightlifting but this should help you either way.

    Just sayin, if any of those tips don't work for you then you need to quit being a lazy puss and do work lol.

    But seriously I feel like this sometimes too you just have to get to it and work hard. Good luck man!

    I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or nothing, just trying to lose a few pounds. The ipod sounds like a good idea, music can really lift my mood. As far as what I do, its not much, I have Insanity its kinda like P90X, but it only seems like I can get a couple weeks into it. Then I'm a "lazy puss" (haha) for a couple of weeks before I get back into it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm bipolar...then I think that many other people have he same problem, but anyway, thanks.

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