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Status Updates posted by IBleedMusick

  1. Final vid is up check em out let me know what you guys think.

  2. Well unfortunately I just found out I will again be working for SBN and will have to miss it FML. I was ready to get some demo's harass some people and take my first vacation in a long ass time. Grown up duties call...Good luck to all competitors

  3. Anyone here ever installed vehicle gps on a fleet of cars.

  4. Installing Windows 8 now let's see how she performs compared to 3 Linux Distro's, Snow Leopard & Mountain Lion. Anyone running it? Thoughts?

  5. The Heat spankin that ass. :drinks:

  6. Some of the Status Updates I read are borderline feminine and hoe like...just saying.

  7. Impatiently waiting for new goodies to arrive and have a few purchases to make on Friday that should complete this build until I have my batt bank ready for 5K.

  8. Woot just did my first dual coil on the igo-w .8 ohms twas a bitch but great learning experience

  9. Big Boi - Vicious Lies & Dangerous Rumers great album 5 Stars, Big Boi went in on this. My only disappointment is no collab with Andre

  10. Dammit I need to get this damn alt installed so I can get this voltage issue on point.

  11. Damn Orion 2500's on Facebook and they look good.

  12. Got the Psyph album waiting for it to download now and then I am going to let it bump in the garage while I do some work on the Civic.

  13. Felt good to start my car for the first time in a month and get hit with a clean sound on my mids and highs. My rebuilt SA-8 has been waiting for me so it will be going back in tomorrow...vids to follow.

  14. So tempted to grab this old school beatiful silver Orion amp package. BUT I GOTS NO MONIEZ FAWK!

  15. It's about to go down :peepwall:

  16. Okay so I did it and it was done then it wasnt done but then it again was really done to begin with?

  17. Looks like the move will be happening sooner than expected but in any case time to whip up a FS  thread and get some unneeded items sold to make it easier to move.

  18. I would love to finally finish this FLI build and actually have audio in my car riding around with only two speakers playing is the hugest pain in the ass but for the love of Car Audio I will wait it out and be patient.

  19. Preparing for my 2005 civic rebuild

  20. Kendrick Lamar – Good Kid, m.A.A.d City the hardest album I have heard in a very long time. One of those albums you put on repeat and let it ride out.

  21. I want to clamp my amps can anyone suggest the items (including brands) that ideally need to get to make this happen. I have read the tutorial so I think I can manage it.

  22. Just got back from Motorfest, heard a few sick systems saw some really nice rides. Got a chance to sit in Bassaholics trucks and those bishes are brutal. Vids and Pics tomorrow

  23. This final build should be a nasty lil sumbish. I feel sorry for the civic already because I am about to beat the shit out of her with 2 12's and a SAZ 4500 :peepwall:

  24. There's a thin line between...Wait, how does that line go again?

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