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About wyattmatters

wyattmatters's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks guys, appreciating the quick responses. Winn Well, right now I have a 15" lvl 4 on an AudioQue1200 and was wanting to get 2 10"xls on an undecided amp. Supercharged I have a 2003 R/T and that 5.9L V8 goes through a tank every week and a half or so. CJ18 All the Alpine equipment listed in my signature will remain with the truck, however, the 15 and amp will be for sell in the next couple of months. (Not sure how to reply like older members of the forum yet)
  2. Hey everyone, didn't see a newbie forum so I figured the DC forum wouldn't mind. So, I hopped on the bandwagon last October and I must say I was way more than satisfied. Sadly I will be getting rid of the Dakota soon(12mpg) for economical reasons, and with a new vehicle comes a new setup. I plan on upgrading to a pair of 10"s and was wondering the best method of selling my old equipment. Only being 17, would I be able to post an ad in the For Sale forum? Or should I just try my luck locally?
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