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Everything posted by Limeade

  1. I'm not really worried as much about the ticket, as the fact that the law itself is unfair. Motorcycles, loud exhausts, even lawnmowers can be heard from the same distance or farther in some cases. I want to fight it along these grounds, but I'm not sure where to start. Would I be able to go anywhere with an argument along those lines?
  2. (sorry if this is the wrong area) Long time lurker, but figured I'd make an account and ask you guys for some help. My town recently changed their local sound violation ordinance to "if you can hear it within 75 feet, then its ticketable." Today, I got pulled over and slapped a fat $120 ticket for a sound amplification violation. The thing is, I didn't even have my system very loud (2 12's, 500 watts (?)), but I was pulled over when going through one of my towns speed trap areas. I'm sure someone on here has been able to fight a case and win, so I'm looking for some advice before I talk to our family lawyer. Is it possible to fight cases like these or should I just pay the $120? Thanks guys!
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