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Posts posted by 2K XJ

  1. I'm looking for a 1500-2k watt amp to power my 3 SA8s. They are going to be wired at .67 so the amp needs to be .5 ohm stable. Right now I've been talking to a guy from craigslist about buying his SAZ1500 locally, but his price is a bit high and I'm kind of weary of buying nice equipment off craigslist... So I'm just kinda trying to see what other options/prices I have out there. Would love to see your Sundown SAZ1500, Skar SK1500, AQ 2200, or Crescendo BC2000. If you have something other than what I posted feel free to post up, those were just the first amps that came to mind. I'm looking for a amp in pretty good condition, 7/10 cosmetic or better, and in great mechanical condition. Post or PM me what you have. Please include the price you want for it, and it would be great if you could get the final price shipped to me (24503) as well. If you want to take a look at my feedback, I only have 1 review, but I guess its better than nothing. http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/itrader.php?u=16925

  2. I know, I'm not done. I live in Virginia and we had a massive severe thunderstorm with 75 mile per hour winds which wiped out power to half of VA. Right now we're not expected to get power back for about a week. Me and my family left the house though to go to our beach house where we would have air conditioning so I can't work on it right now. I was planning on rounding the port and doing 45s when I get back.

  3. Hey, I have 3 SA8 v2 D4s that I am going to be powering by a SAZ1500 v2 going into a 1999 Jeep Cherokee and I have already gotten a enclosure designed by a member here which looks great, but I just want to know if you guys have anything to say about it or if there is anything that I can do to improve it. By the stats I was given by him itll be tuned ti 32hz, with 1.8 cubes, and 27 sqaure inches of port. Heres the design drawing.



    And I made my own cutsheet



    I'm trying to start bulding this this week but I just wanted to make sure that everything is right before I start cutting. If you see anything that can be improved, or if you have any feedback at all on it, please let me know.

  4. Sorry thought you ment the 45's

    Was typing and driving on way to work

    The port pieces are 12" high x 8.25" long and rounded on one end

    The 45's 12h x 1 19/32 wide with 45 going in

    And 12h x 2 59/64 wide with 45 going in

    O ok...what if I just did my 45s with the self leveling fiberglass resin technique? I don't have any saws or anything so it would be really hard to get pieces that small cut.... I've read of people just tilting their box at a 45 degree angle and pouring fiberglass resin in the corners and let it dry into a 45... that should work right?

  5. The internal width less the port width 10.5 - 2.25 = 8.25", if you have a little more depth a simple L port design will be far easier to do though, the port being made with two pieces of wood only.

    Hah thanks man...that should have been easy for me to figure out...guess not though, lol. But I think I'll stick to this design to keep as much cargo space as I can.

  6. Hey guys I recently purchased 3 Sundown SA-8 V2s, and need to build a box for them. Only problem is, I've never built a box before... I'm extremely motivated to learn but I need you guys' help to help me make the design.

    Box specs for the subs are

    .5 to .75 cubic feet per woofer

    .1 cubic foot of dispacement per woofer

    tuned to 30-35 hertz

    My specs for the box are really broad. I'm going to be porting them. I have plenty of space in the back of my Jeep. My max dimensions are 42" length x 22" width x 18" height. I would like for the box to stretch across all 42" of the back. I plugged in numbers and 3 subs at .75 cubic feet apiece are 2.25 cubes. A box that is 42" x 10" x 9" is 2.19 cubic feet so I got it pretty close to that, but I have no idea how to do a port. I'm not sure where in the 30-35 hertz range to port it, and have no idea how to design/calculate the port. If anyone with any box building experience could please help me I would greatly appreciate it!

  7. I've looked all around and can't find any box specs for the E15 D4s. I'm talking to a guy who's selling 4 of his E15's and just want to be able to start thinking about how to fit all of those 15's into my Jeep before I start talking seriously with him about buying them. Maybe I overlooked it and its out there on the web somewhere and someone can point me in the right direction...otherwise can someone from Sundown please send me some box specs? Thanks

  8. I'd like to keep it under $180 for the whole setup...unit, cable, antenna, and mount. I can get the cable, mount, and antenna for about $60 so I'm basically working with $120 and under. Obviously cheaper is better so hopefully I can find something cheaper than that like the one previously mentioned. I'd like to be able to use it in short to medium range distances. I'll mainly be using this for when I'm offroading with a large group of drivers so I'll be able to communicate with them.

  9. I've been considering putting a CB radio in my Jeep lately, and just wanted to see if any of you guys had any experience with them since you guys are my go-to people on anything electrical. If any of you have any experience with what CB to go with, please post up. I'm going to be going with a Cobra 29LX LE unless anyone has anything else to recommend. So if you have anything to contribute please do so, thanks in advance.

    This is what I'm thinking of getting


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