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Everything posted by G-Rad

  1. INSTALLING COOLER WEATHER.....███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE.Install delayed....please wait.Installation failed. Please try again. 404 error: Weather not found. "Cooler Weather" cannot be located. The weather you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

  2. Another sleepless night. Kept coughing and that keeps waking me up. :(

  3. I went to the doc. I have Bronchitis. and due to this, not only do I have to take an antibotic/steroid, but I also have to undergo breathing treatments. I am to stay at rest until the weekend. No band practice or anything :(. I'm not happy, but I have to do what I have to do.

  4. Wish me luck in the morning guys. Going to the doctor finally. I'm hoping it's not all it seems, but I fear it may be a summer flu-like illness, because of symptoms.

  5. 106 in Seagoville today. This is terrible

  6. Here's something to ponder.. When a celebrity dies, you hear about it all the time. But, when a soldier dies protecting our contry, you don't hear anything. The men and women that protect our contry deerve more respect than a pop singer that overdosed on drugs. (Sorry to any Winehouse fans, but this is true)

  7. just fkn lovely. When I thought things were getting better, they done gone and got worse. Now I can't hold anything down. If I move too much, I get dizzy, and I can't stop coughing.

  8. Thank you Jenn Burpo. She was nice enough to bring me a bottle of gatorade. You rock!

  9. i'm starting to feel a little better. That's a plus.

  10. I feel terrible. Like someone took an axe and chopped my head off. :(

  11. welcome and enjoy your stay. please use the forums to look/answer any and every question you may have. Enjoy Thanks!
  12. Looks like I have a respritory infection :(

  13. Hey guys, name is Gerad, everyone calls me G or G-Rad. Anyways, I've finally broken down and registered on the forums. I've been into car audio since I was a teenager. (I'm almost 30 now). Dominantly, I'm a drummer, and can play other instruments. I am legally blind (20/800-20/1200), and have a hearing loss from electrocution at age 1 (-75dB). I'm hoping I may get some help building a strong budgeted system and would like to show people that, even if I'll never be able to see as good, and/or drive a car, that doens't mean I can enjoy some good car audio. Especially knowing that it's more rewarding when I set it up yourself! For car audio, I'd love to set up a competitive system, but alas, that's well out of my budget range. Even if I lost, I'd just love to experience it once in my life. I feel I can do anything if I put my mind to it! Thanks for reading, sorry for rambling. Hope to hear from some of you.
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