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Status Updates posted by G-Rad

  1. Alone I go. Tired of it though....

  2. I was finally able to replace my digital camera that got stolen. Just a little Sanyo from Wal-Mart. Records in 720p so I did a quick drum video with Tower of Power's "Back In The Day". Going to edit it together in true HD for once, and see how "true" it is...


  4. Do you feel...?Like I do?

  5. Fuck it, I'm done...

  6. About to record "Blood And Thunder" drum cover

  7. On Youtube, I posted a poll vdeo. "Choose my next drum cover". Right now WaHNTHaC remake is the leader with a whole 3 votes! haha.. Anyways, swing by my YoluTube channel and go vote/comment/rate! WInner is the song that gets the most likes! It all ends next Thursday.

  8. Everyone that's commenting about the Rangers is getting linked to the Rangers FC EU Soccer team's page, not the Texas Rangers baseball page. What the hell...Seriously though, The Tx. Rangers just want to celebrate at home. Not up there.

  9. The new iOS is actually very nice. I would like to get the iPhone 4S. The new Siri would actually be best for people that have visual problems, such as myself. Oh well, I'm happy with iOS 5 on the 3GS. Works great.

  10. Deja vu it is! Way to go Rangers!!!

  11. So, I bought Fast Five and American History X on Blu-Ray. Fast Five has a portable version I can download apparently... Nice, but... I am not sure how to do that, seeing as I don' th have a blu-ray player on my PC.

  12. Can't wait to see the new iOS 5. Looks promising.

  13. Well, won't be riiding, but I'll be up by the Brookshires on the Sonic side if anyone wants to come hang out. I'll be walking up there sometime after 4.

  14. Master P is back. This may be interesting. Let's see what happens.

  15. Talked to University of Phoenix today and I'm glad to learn I can get my Masters degree all online. :)

  16. Gonna be a long journey, but a well-rewarding one.

    1. MarioB


      i have a journey ahead of me also.

  17. YES!!!!!! RAIN!!! RAIN!!!! RAAAAAAAIIIINNNNN!!!!!!

  18. Well found out officially what's wrong with our A/C unit. The blower motor Is dead. and it's going to, cost us 285 bucks... Looks like another half a month, so w/out any a/c but we're getting used to it. Been over a week now. Also need to replace the attic fan.

  19. Just got home. had fun with Jake Morris and Jessica L. Jones playing GH/RB. Good times!

  20. The Breakfast Club'nuff said :)

  21. My headphones no longer work. No recording anything until I can get a new set. I was in the middle of studio stuff and that kinda bugs me a bit. This whole week has kicked me while I'm down, pretty good... Gah! Probably goin' to get some of those JVC ear buds. Thems lasted me several years and sounded great for 20 bucks! Nice bass w/outstanding mids and highs :) ALso going to add 2 300watt tweeters to the Mountaineer soon.

  22. Anybody from SHS remember Mr. Balthasar? (Wood Shop Teacher). He passed away lastnight due to a heart attack.

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