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Status Updates posted by G-Rad

  1. NI's Guitar Rig is going byebye...

  2. it's Friday, and nothing to do :( Maybe I'll get some work in :)

  3. goin' to go lay down. Not feelin' it. Txt me if anyone wants to chat.

  4. I'm just glad it's fkn raining!

  5. 2 AA 15's, 2,000.1 monoblock amp (2,000 watt RMS Monoblock amp @ 1Ohm stable). Coming Soon... Get'cha some!need any work, hit me up!

  6. KG has a new drummer! I'm glad they found someone to take my place. Please swing by their page and welcome Kenny Sisk to their lineup! Thanks!

  7. Follow-up appointment tomorrow. I'll keep you guys posted.

  8. Finally starting to feel somewhat better. About amn time!

  9. I don't need you...

  10. Idf anyone's up , txt me. Lefeeing low

  11. Where's the air-conditioner outside? This heat's not helping me any...

  12. Where's the air-conditioner outside? This heat's not helping me any...

  13. Where's the air conditioer in this $#@&in' place! Too hot outside!

  14. Another day started.

  15. 5000 years ago, Moses said, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land."When Welfare was introduced, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land."Today, the government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land to China. This deserves to be reposted.

  16. I have resigned from Karma Gettin due to health conditions. I am unable to play until I am 100% recovered from ths Pneumonia, and that will be a while. I wish the guys the very best of luckand I will still continue to support them. They are my bros.

  17. Wild Fires in Combine, Tx. (Right by Seagoville, where I live). Homes have been destroyed. I pray that everyone's okay and the fire gets extinguisned with haste. It looks like smoke is visible from here. :(

  18. Terrible night of random waking up.. I want this crap to be over. Oh well. Another day. Let's hope for the best.

  19. I play Words W/Friends on here. Something to do to pass the time until I get better, but I 've always loved Scrabble. So, if you want, you may start a game with me.

  20. Had to format my PC. Just all I can really do to keep my mind of being sick... Required no physical effort, so that's a plus.

  21. Does anyone in the area have a spare LAN/NIC/WIFI card, router, or something? Our whole network is down 'cause our network router died.

  22. This illness is actually stressing me. I shouldn't be so stressed, but I am. I don't know where to begin. However, I will give it my all to overcome these obstacles; one by one...

  23. Only good news today is I got one of my hearing aids back... Otherwise, all that changed is I'm on MORE meds... Lovely...

  24. Woke up this morning only to discover our network router's dead. And, it's way earlier than it feels like.

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