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Posts posted by theTank77

  1. 1 Farad of capacitance can store roughly 72 watts for 1 second at 12 volts. Wattage is amperage times voltage. So basicly, 1 farad is good for 6 amps of draw over 1 second (again figuring at 12 volts).

    So lets say you want capacitance to handle an amplifier pulling 200 amps for a 30 second bass race, and say you've found a really good song that plays that note for 28 seconds. (200 amps x 12 volts)x28 seconds = 67200 joules. divide that by 6 = 11,200 farad of capacitance needed to be able to have the full benefits of a capacitor for the entire bass race.

    Now it does get more complicated then that, your batteries also store electricity at a different charge and discharge rate, and all this is only needed beyond what your alternator can supply, that's not being used by the vehicle to run, and what isn't being negated by the wiring setup.

    I'm not going to get into that cause everything affects all of those features, wire length, temperture, life of batteries, resistance at connection points, etc, etc.

    The whole point of this is, capacitors are almost pointless.

    thank you this is what i was trying to figure out

  2. well redid usually means upgraded to people with a lil common sense. and yes now i am going to be an asshole just because you called me one. I upgraded all of my wires to 0 ga. power wire to alt and starter and ground to block and frame plus I rust and corrosion proofed all of it by using grade 8 hardware and a shittone of dielectric grease. Ive got a NATEF Cert in automotive electrical I know how to do wires. I started this thread because I wanted to learn more about capacitors because I'm trying to get more into subs and shit like that. I didn't expect to get trolled by a couple guys trying to be smartasses just because I'm new to these forums. I thank the people who give me good information but if you want to troll me and call me an asshole you can just go fuck yourself and I hope all you shit gets stolen.

    I personally did not see anyone being an asshole to you dude, I think you have some fucking issues. No one was trolling you so try to pull that wad of panties out of your fucking vagina. And for being a certified auto electrician you sure seem like a dumb ass...

    Your the only one that is being an asshole here you fucking douche

    actually right now yes i do have issues because my dad passed away 2 weeks ago and my ex fiancee left me 3 weeks ago and now i am getting kicked out of my apt because i was living with my dad to try and save money and the rent is waaaay to high for me to afford. I'm in a stage of depression and I'm very easily pissed off. im sorry to everyone. i havnt slept in 5 days because of everything that is going on and that isnt helping my situation. once again im going to say i am sorry. i blew up and i shouldnt have.

  3. well redid usually means upgraded to people with a lil common sense. and yes now i am going to be an asshole just because you called me one. I upgraded all of my wires to 0 ga. power wire to alt and starter and ground to block and frame plus I rust and corrosion proofed all of it by using grade 8 hardware and a shittone of dielectric grease. Ive got a NATEF Cert in automotive electrical I know how to do wires. I started this thread because I wanted to learn more about capacitors because I'm trying to get more into subs and shit like that. I didn't expect to get trolled by a couple guys trying to be smartasses just because I'm new to these forums. I thank the people who give me good information but if you want to troll me and call me an asshole you can just go fuck yourself and I hope all you shit gets stolen.

  4. I'm pretty new to putting decent systems into vehicles. So I was wondering what is the difference in capacitors? Right now I'm only running 800 watts so I dont really need one but I just want to learn a lil bit more about them. I was looking at some of the different caps and i was seeing 1,2, up to 30 farad and i dont really know what it means. So if anyone could give me some knowledge that would be awesome.

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