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Posts posted by pitbullninja

  1. Folded horns are better in more open areas like theaters and concerts. Doesn't do much in a car except take up a lot of room. Cabin gain has a similar functionality already so the extra box isn't really necessary.

    FTW i was right.

    you were guessing anyway. LOL

    A broken clock is still right twice a day 8)

    Not if it's digital XD

  2. that SMD will take 5k rms allllll day long if clean power... power acoustik boss and all them are NOT going to come anywhere near rated power..

    IF ur actually going to get a smd..dont waste money on a amp that will die anyways bc they r that cheap..

    also why make a thread if u already know what ur going to buy n such?/

    Nah i didnt know what I wanted. I thought I did but I keep changing my mind :D

    I've changed my mind 6 times or so when I was set on a certain setup so just make sure it's what you really want

  3. How ya doin! *lmao*

    To explain this^.... I was so trashed I thought I was pming someone back...lol

    Cool story bro

    The only time you use cool story bro is when someone tells a story.....

    I remember my first beer.

    Bro I smash 12 pack like they're nothing. Beer doesn't phase me.

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