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Posts posted by pitbullninja

  1. Lol I just know Higher volt pre outs = good

    Not always the case though.

    I'd rather a deck that outputs a good signal with a low voltage than a high powered one with a crap signal.

    If Pyle came out with a radio that had 8v preouts, would you buy it over one of Alpine's 2v decks?

    An issue with high voltage headunits is not all amps go high enough to match. If your deck is 5v and the amp with the gain all the way down is 2v for example, you'll clip when you turn up the volume.

    What about the hu I'm getting?? Is it good? No clipping? I'm using a apsm-1300

  2. Budweiser gives me a really fucked up stomach the next day, im talking like Mudd Butt Syndrome or some shit lol.

    I've taken a liking to Yuengling and Dos Equis lately though.

    Miller Lite, Miller High Life's or Bud Light when im being Cheap.

    Pretending you didn't say mudd butt... But he'll we like the same 3 beers??? WTF

  3. About murphygtp I'm not saying he shouldn't have read but this is a drinking thread and he was probably just being a playful drunk or something ya know, honestly do you think he means disrespect? Or do you all just like giving people a hard time? Look how Steve took it.. "it's all gravy" I do feel bad about your bro Steve next shot of jose I take is for him.

  4. 4v pre-outs just mean you don't turn you gains up as much to match your head unit . At least that's my understanding.

    Your subwoofer amp gets a stronger input so it doesn't have to be turned up as high to meet the same output. Allows for more power with a lowered chance for clipping because you're not stressing the amp as hard.

    Good!! I'm running 1k on 2 hfi 12s

  5. those two are $15 buy it now on ebay with free shipping. You cant really beat that. that way if something happens to one you can replace it

    Is there a way to use a debit card? I don't have paypal :/ I could prolly afford 15

  6. I wouldn't run 2 subs in a maro. I damn sure wouldn't run HFis either.. At least in this case. I recommended them to you pittbull. You don't read. So it's going to take you learning the hard way before you start reading. Dont trip. I got the hardest learning lesson there is in car audio when I started out.

    As far as subs go for this car... Mainstream: alpine type r 12. D2 ohm coils. (~$120 online)

    Internet brands:


    Dc lvl 3 12

    DD 3512

    Skar 12


    Why does everybody down me like I'm retarded.. I'm trying to help, a simple oh those wouldn't go good in his car try these

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