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Posts posted by 99fullsizechevy

  1. The box is already made, an there is no way of porting it without doing it external port, I may be able to 3 6in aeros out the side, but it will take the net down do below 7 cubes...

    I don't care about your remarks.. I know how to get the port length and everything...

    My ONLY question is will it work alright? Or will that long of an external slot gain more box rise? Port noise? Or what? That's all

  2. Backstory, I have this enclosure for two 15s I threw together along time ago that the port measurements got messed up and are way to small, so I want to throw a new port that is big enough on here, but it will have to be mostly external..

    Note this box will only be used as a temp box and for testing different subs and such for fun, nothing serious..



  3. This is why i laugh at ALL my friends in high school that smokes cigarettes. Because in 20 years they have wasted ALOT of damn money and cant quit

    Thanks man this reminds never to lay a hand on cigarettes


    Right now I wanna just hit u in the face... Then again I just wanna year something apart

    Anyways 24 hours down.. Shits getting rough.. I'm getting anoyed at the smallest of things.. Hopefully not much longer..

  4. this is a psychology trick I heard that is supposed to work extremely well. decide some amount of money that would hurt you to lose. now write 6 checks for that amount and give them so someone you trust and wont lie to. now every week they check in with you and ask if you smoked that week. if you have, they cash a check if you didnt smoke, they rip up one check. simple as that.

    Ummm.. Tempting.. But scary at the same time

  5. If you have a lil extra cash around im told this works well with helping to quit


    I have the blu e cig thing.. Don't care for it..

    My problem is 40 hours a week i am sitting in my truck doing midnight security at a construction site... Sooo not to much to do but sit and surf SMD.. As I am now..

    I'm quitting because I don't like speeding 5 bucks a day.. Getting to be costly. And i have notice lack of breath after walking alot of any amount of running.. And a horrible smokers cough..

  6. Seems like a great product for someone using the amp's xovers on an amp for an "active" setup, but then it'd jus be good for a base point because I personally like to adjust the xovers by ear. I do love my DD-1 though. ;) I'm sure many would like to see the DD-1 and CC-1 combined to one product.

    Until you set your subsonic way to low and tear your subs up lol

    Just order my dd1 cc1 combo pack so excited

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