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Posts posted by 99fullsizechevy

  1. I have heard/ owned most of the popular brands around here and don't really have a spacific favorite really.. My funds hider my choices a little as well, so two saz3500 are out of question as well as dc amps unless I could find a majorly good deal. Thought about those new crescendo 3500s but idk the price nor have I ever personally delt or heard them..

  2. I currently have two aq1200ds that I love, rebuilding my setup and it will include 6 skar vvx 15s.. I want to push around 800-1000 per sub.. But I am debating on keeping my amps and getting two more.. Then running dual 2s and each pair of amps strapped at 1.34 ohm, or maybe selling them and getting two amps and going ~.6 ohm each with dual 4s.. My electrical will be able to hold 6k easily so I don't need the comments about ohm loads..

    I need opinions on what to do.. If I sell my two amps I will have around 5-600 to spend per amp so suggestions welcome..

  3. Or I could go into the store I worked at and my buddy/ ex co worker will throw 25-30% off anything I buy ;)

    But yea coupons are always nice, and sometimes depending on the store, you can go to rockauto.com and if it's cheaper they will price match it in the store.. I've seen people save quite a bit doing that when I worked there not to long ago.. Something about a corporate meeting that was held saying where competition was getting so great they had to start doing it for anyone who brings in a printout that was cheaper or had proof like the page pulled up on your phone

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