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Posts posted by stroupe79

  1. first I will just go off your ideas

    1. with the 2 enclosures on each side, it is just more of a pain in the ass than it's probably worth

    2. most of the enclosures I see either have the port facing the rear tailgate or up toward the ceiling(sometimes they aim toward rear quarter) toward the tailgate would be ideal

    I would recommend you build a single enclosure with 1 port in the center of the box between the subs and have everything facing the rear, now if your planning on using the cargo area and are worried about damaging the subs (reason for downfiring enclosure) you could still do down firing subs and port to the rear..

    maybe somebody else has a better idea

  2. Sounds crazy but Anderson's General Store has a good selection of beers, at least in Columbus they do...

    Kroger and Giant Eagle might have Magners, Crispin, Angry Orchard, Original Sin, and Strongbow...I personally don't like Woodchuck or Hornsby's but those are more common options also...

    I would imagine Whole Foods has a fair amount of MicroBrews....

    Chocolate Stouts or Breakfast/Oatmeal Stouts are great too...they have a chocolatey/coffee type taste to them

  3. just a disclaimer about Ciders....they taste great, but if you drink a bunch you will be puking...tolerance doesn't matter anything over 5- 6 and your asking to get sick...they are easy to drink but all that sour/tartness will come back to haunt you...lol

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