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Aaron Tuck TBA

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Posts posted by Aaron Tuck TBA

  1. Ok got a 1986 Jeep Cherokee with a 2.8l gm V6 from what ive found its a three wire 12si alternator. Is it possible to put on a 200amp one wire 12si alt i found? the other two factory wires would not be used. One for exciting the fields while the other is for a alt dummy light. Is that correct? And if i put this one wire alt on will the dummy light come on? if so whats the easiest way to Bypass aside from pulling bulb out? Thank you all for your help ive learned a lot here and dont plan on stopping anytime soon.

  2. Drive 3 hours west up and over the hill to find some competitions lol Wenatchee is out in BFE...maybe you should scrounge up some locals out there and start somethin' up :werd_msword:

    Yeah i just moved here from Billings MT nothing there and sadly nothing here :( where out west im gunna start building systems for people around here. Im not the best and definitely dont know everything but i love my work and people seem to ask for my help a lot. Would love to build a couple comp cars to go to shows with.

  3. Sorry if someone has already answered this question. Ive done ultiple searches and cant seem to find an answer. Well I'm in Wenatchee WA and looking to see if any competitions will be in my area this season. Ive never been to a "Big time" competition, just smaller ones that local shops put on. Would love to see some of the bigger guys come around for one.

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