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Posts posted by chrisv213

  1. Steve, How often do you get down to Phoenix? I live in chandler, which is right down the street from Rockford and also Bryan and the rest of the crew at Mobile Solutions. I was able to stop by last week and pick up some templates and a few other odds and ends. Picked up some Matter from Sonus to try for the first time too, but they were out of Sunflash. :( I ordered some from your website though, so crisis averted.Your partners company, D'amore Engineering is in that neighborhood too, right? Are all of the SMD products like the DD1 made there? I am curious if you guys have plans to make any appearances here in the Valley any time soon? Maybe bring the Tahoe down, if you even still have it, that is. I will keep an eye out.

    Couple other questions, if you don't mind. 1.) You guys just opened a store here in the valley, correct? I know I saw something about that, but I do not remember if it was a retail or wholesale business. If it is retail, I assume that would be a place to purchase SMD products here in AZ? 2.) On that same note, when is the AMM-1 coming out? I really want to get my hands on one and they have been "coming soon" forever!

    Thanks for your time.

  2. Steve, How often do you get down to Phoenix? I live in chandler, which is right down the street from Rockford and also Bryan and the rest of the crew at Mobile Solutions. I was able to stop by last week and pick up some templates and a few other odds and ends. Picked up some Matter from Sonus to try for the first time too, but they were out of Sunflash. :( I ordered some from your website though, so crisis averted.Your partners company, D'amore Engineering is in that neighborhood too, right? Are all of the SMD products like the DD1 made there? I am curious if you guys have plans to make any appearances here in the Valley any time soon? Maybe bring the Tahoe down, if you even still have it, that is. I will keep an eye out.

    Couple other questions, if you don't mind. 1.) You guys just opened a store here in the valley, correct? I know I saw something about that, but I do not remember if it was a retail or wholesale business. If it is retail, I assume that would be a place to purchase SMD products here in AZ? 2.) On that same note, when is the AMM-1 coming out? I really want to get my hands on one and they have been "coming soon" forever!

    Thanks for your time.

  3. Steve, i guess we can call you the new king of all media now, huh? Ride looks sick and the spread is nice. Gotta give you a nod of respect that you really kept it humble as far as the story goes. The opportunity was certainly there to pound your chest , considering you are probably the first person who had their ride featured in that mag (or any of the many like it), who not only did the bulk of the modifications themselves, but used some of their own products to do it! Instead, the article, obviously, was mostly focused on the awesome car and the ways it had been tricked out, but I think that most guys who had the chance to have some of their own creations featured in a national publication, in their own car, would have tried to have that fact in every headline, and would have tried to be in every picture. But, you chose a much more low key approach. The write up only had a few brief acknowledgements to the hard work you put in, a couple of rather incognito references to the components (which, oh by the way, have my name on them! *cough) that comprise the system, and one small nonchalant photo on the last page. When I played ball, something my coach instilled in us, and something I try to pass on to kids I coach, is when you make a great play or put one over the center field wall, be happy, but act like you have done it before. Be respectful of the other people who are around you, don't make a spectacle of yourself as if it was the greatest achievement in the world. Act like "I've been here before and I'll be here again.

    Beautiful ride, brother, great write up, too. You have a lot to be proud of, but, from one guy just trying to make his mark someday, too, thank you for acting like you had been there before.

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