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Posts posted by BEEMDUB

  1. I thought it just controlled the rca level, has no effect on the gain? Thats why with it all the way down theres no sub sound at all and with a bass knob there will still be output

    I feel retarded for not thinking of it that way lmao fml

    Just plug it in and go, no need to re set the gains

    alright thats the answer I was lookin for haha thanks!

  2. to set your gains with an LC-1 you should turn it all the way up.. then set your gains. Then when you max out the LC-1 your full tilt on the RCA output.

    thats what I'm asking though lol if my lc1 is turned all the way up and my gain is already set if I plug the lc1 up won't it already be "synced" with the gain and not be able to go any higher since I plugged it in already maxed out?

  3. http://www.stevemead...__fromsearch__1

    There ya go OP... but like brandon says you dont wanna leave it overnight with anything more than a 2amp charger... I leave mine on a Harbor freight charger this charger every night and leave it does good but you could find any others at any auto store

    thanks for that link thats actually just what I've been lookin for nice an cheap too haha should I use it every night? and also until I get my extra batteries would it be beneficial to top my stock one off in the mean time?

  4. Yeah elbows aren't allowed in Illinois either. The other kid didn't have good kicks or submissions. Even though he was the agressor it seemed like he was pulling submissions with desperation. What really impressed me was the basic ecapes you did from mount. I don't see people trying to escape that much anymore.

    Yea I the guy I roll with most while training is a weight class above me and an excellent wrestler...so I'm used to having to escape from the bottom haha

  5. Good fight dude! Looks like he tried to go for a few desperation sub attempts that futile.

    yea he pretty much just relentlessly went for my ankles lol...but he didn't know how to do a proper ankle lock so he pretty much was just wastin energy while gettin punched in the head haha

  6. how was it a TKO when the horn sounded the end of the round?...did he not come out for the second round?

    He was unable to continue and couldn't fight after the 1st round.

    Heres a hint. instead of reaching back and whaling away with punches when in close. use your forearms and elbows. You will deliver a much more powerful blow and even if he gets his hands up and is able to defend it you will be able to power through and still make contact. It also takes alot less out of you because you are using your leverage from being on top. your weight is working against him. It also keeps your arms in tight and gives you a little bit better defense from someone who likes to fight from their back. remember a straight arm is a broke arm. if you arent throwing a punch your arm isnt straight.

    I never fought a sanctioned fight but i spent alot of time in the Marine Corps martial arts program. It got to the point where I was only allowed to take on one other non instructor. and could still tap some of the instructors. Many of them who did fight sanctioned matches like this.

    I will keep that in mind... Also keep in mind that is was my first fight and I also had a 101.8 degree temp that night I wasn't on top of my game as I coulda been ...

  7. Everyones math is wrong, for 150 bucks for 2 of them they will only work in my truck so send them to me asap! LOL you will be fine just do as Kranny suggested and check the voltage you will want to toss them on a charger and top them off but I do that with all of my builds no matter what amp, alt or battery.

    Thanks for the input everyone....As for topping them off, how exactly should I do that? Just hook up a charger to one of the batteries every night and let it trickle charge at 2 amps? and if so wouldn't that pose a fire hazard lol

  8. the pack one is controled through RCA's . so you hook an rca from your H/U to the PAC/ then Pac to the amp. leave your gains set to where they are tuned to hopefully with an o'scope or dd-1 and just use the Pac as a remote. You dont use this and a knob that came with an amp, i guess you can but really its one or the other. If i understood that correctly

    I've set my amp with an oscope...I don't use the bass knob that came with the amp because I dont use bass boost hence why I got the lc1...

  9. I ordered a pac-lc1 last night and my only question about it is my gains are already set on my amp so when I hook it up do I make sure to hook it up with the knob all the way up and I'm done? Or do I have to turn my amp gain all the way down..

  10. So I'm workin on gettin my box as sealed as possible from the trunk and so far I have gorilla taped the front inside the cabin all off and made mdf panels that I placed in the trunk and put up against where the box meets the opening of the cabin and taped those off too...I want to use expanding foam now, but I'm stuck contemplating on how to do it..and then I came up with this idea...If I took a trash bag and pushed it into the space I want filled and then spray the great stuff into the trash bag wouldn't that theoretically make the trash bag conform to the trunk and seal it just like it would if the bag wasn't there? My thinking is that with the bag idea if I ever wanted to remove the foam alls id have to do is pull the bag out...and If you guys don't think the crazy bag idea will work then what should I do? I really don't want to stain and mess up shit with the foam...Also how should I fasten my box down? It sits on the false floor of the trunk...

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