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Posts posted by kingcabon20s

  1. If you would like to see steve's tahoe in truckin' mag i talked to my buddy that shoots for acouple mags as I'm at the moment inspiring to be a minitruckin' feature photographer you have to contact dan ward at truckin he is the feature editor/photographer at the mag just hit him up and tell him about steve's truck and how much you would like to see it in the mag.

  2. i dont know that many if any installers that are that good and are local.......not saying they arent out there i just dont know them. It would be nice though....

    i mean i know some really good installers, but if your messin with peoples cars they gotta be REAL good - and if they are that good they already have a shop. Or even better, they are good but NOT DEPENDABLE. I ran commercial roofing jobs bigger then football fields and i have foreman in my blood - DEPENDABLE is a hard thing to come by i dont care how much talent really.....you smell me on that i know!

    I don't find this to be true how long have you been working out of your garage? There could be someone out there just the same that works out of their garage so they have no overhead. I understand what your saying though if it has your name on it you would want it to be best of the best. With the economy the way it is im sure not all shops are doing to great. I was just throwing out an idea an SMD shop would be known world wide never know TLC could pick it up. LoL

  3. why would you color match the primer im sure they are no where near done with body work i didn't photoshop it thats straight from photos of a show down in socal called forbidden fantasies that went on this last weekend. It may look off because it has a shaved roof rack im sure they will shave the rest of it up as well. My truck only lays frame right now but would love for it to be bodydropped they look nice rollin an inch or 2 off the ground but i understand i heard the roads in sac suck especially if they are anything like 99. Your hoe should look pretty good tuckin some 6s tho

  4. Id get ahold of auto extreme's in conyers buddy bout 10 min from me .. they just finished up a supercharged denali on 28s bodydropped my buddys blazer set up for 22s full frame and a 2010 f350 bagged they are more than capable of doing it but it is not going to be cheap you have a fullsize .. I won't hate on ya sully i still like my 4 link better than anything i had lots of probs with a pan hard bar before..

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