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Status Updates posted by BanginSonata

  1. Had a blast yesterday, Went shooting with a co-workers and we had SO much fun. My 8yr shoot a AR-15 like a champ.

  2. I was wondering who all knew SQMonte? I am his brother and we lost him a month ago tomorrow. He isnt with us any more.

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    2. pimpnFosgates


      portland oregon? i  lived in WA and i talked to your bro a while back and he said if i ever go back to hit him up and see his stuff. im heading to vancouver in 5 days so if your around portland or st helens i may be able to help you a bit with amp or anything when im down there. sorry buddy. he was always a cool guy

    3. pimpnFosgates


      portland oregon? i  lived in WA and i talked to your bro a while back and he said if i ever go back to hit him up and see his stuff. im heading to vancouver in 5 days so if your around portland or st helens i may be able to help you a bit with amp or anything when im down there. sorry buddy. he was always a cool guy

    4. BanginSonata


      yes portland oregon, but the amp i need to get fixed is in Sacamento cali, it is with my sister inlaw.

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