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Posts posted by gmoxley1

  1. Personally since your using the HU on board amplifier for your mids and tweets, I would use the DD-1 on the HU amp first, because volume 27 may be distorted (even if you cant hear it).

    Just because the deck says its clean on the preouts at the volume, doesnt mean the on board amplifier is....

    Once you find the true clean distortion free output of the on board hu amp, than tune your external amplifier for your subs at that volume.

    Thanks! Good info! I guess I should have put it already so others didn't think I was just going off what number I think is not distorted, but I have set my HU with a dd1 using the speaker outputs (not the rca outs) for the mids and highs off the HU. I think someone assumed that I had not first gotten my HU tuned as I was not able to get my amp tuned the same time as my HU because I haven't gotten my amp yet. so now I'm going to tune it as soon as I get it.
  2. If you already know the HU doesn't distort at 27, go ahead and set the amp gain with volume 27.

    Thanks. That's the answer I was looking for haha.
    In other words,

    Someone validated his opinion, now he's off to clip and blame SMDForums.

    How could I blame SMD forum for giving me the info I need to set my HU gains correctly? (For mids and highs off the deck) ? and why would it clip at 27 if the DD-1 said that it was clean at 27 ( ON THE SPEAKER OUTS NOT THE RCA'S) ??

  3. You didn't say you checked HU with DD-1, you just said you only go up to 27 out of 35

    I also said right after that in parenthesis AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T CLIP AT 27. Sorry about that. that was my fault i should have been more clear but yes the head unit gains were set with a DD-1 but i dont have my amp yet so i couldnt it tune it right then (and i dont peronally own a DD-1 yet but i got a buddy who does)

  4. It's awesome how you keep the consumers up to date with all the progress you are up to with testing new designs and such! Definitely sets Sundown apart from other companies.

    So what is the 8" in the back of the first pic that does have the vent ring? :ph34r:

    looks like the x-8 with the triple stack magnet. could be wrong though! i cant wait for those x-8's to come!

    edit: sorry thats a magnet boot not a triple stack but still looks like the triple stack just from comparing it to the magnet of the v3

  5. I had a tiny thing with them too when I bought my amp. Basically 3 days after it was supposed to be shipped out to me I still hadn't heard from them with my tracking so I sent a simple email asking for an update. I didn't demand anything and was not harsh about it. I was sent a 3 paragraph reply about how they worked so hard to repair it and this and that and basically saying how dare you ask for an update when we are slaving away on your amp. I took the high road though and said thanks for the update. I don't care if you have to traverse a volcano. You offered me amp A for x dollars in y days. 3 days overdue, I am nice and understanding about mistakes happening, I just ask for a simple email saying letting me know it's a few days behind schedule.

    Exactly that's all I want to know as well. Thank you for being one of the few that understood the post.

  6. You knew there was a wait time when you ordered. I bought an amp during the sale too but you don't see me complaining about it

    Absolutely I knew there was a wait time as I stated a few times in my post. There was no message about there being any longer of a wait because of the sale so the 7 to 10 business day processing period should have still applied or was there fine print somewhere? Absolutely correct me if I'm wrong as I have not dealt with db-r before.

  7. your bitching about 2 day shipping costing 35$?

    Thats cheap.

    I sent an amp out to a guy 4 hours away from me that cost 41$ for ups ground that took 3 days.

    They cant ship something they dont have, let alone ship something blown that has to be fixed first..

    After carefully reading my original post I have still yet to find where I was "bitching" about the cost of 2 days shipping. Maybe you were talking about when I said two day shipping cost about 35 bucks but I never said that it was an outrageous price. Not sure on that one. Basically I was upset that there was no email sent out saying there was going to be a delay in shipment as the person I talked to at db-r said they had been waiting for a shipment from sundown for a few days so they knew it would be a delay in shipping.

    Again not overly angry just saying an email or an alternate shipping method where time is not an issue as it was in my case l. This was the meaning of the message not "bitching" about the cost of two day shipping

  8. So just to be clear I am not overly mad at this situation but think it should be addressed as some others may be experiencing this problem and be wondering why their amplifier is not being shipped yet. So I bought an amp from db-r on Sept 3 as part of the labor day sale and there is a 7 to 10 day processing period before shipping. But then you get two day shipping (and only two day shipping which cost around 35 bucks, you cannot get free shipping apparently even if you extended the shipment process). Today was the 11th day so I decided to give a call and see what was up as I had no emails explaining anything. Apparently sundown had not yet shipped the amps to db-r yet to then be shipped to the customers. But it was because of a huge spike in business or some big shipment sundown just recently got. Normally I would be completely fine with this as I'm usually in no rush to get anything but I was expecting the amp no later than Friday as it should have shipped at the latest on wednesday. So I had planned a quite small car audio event for me and some close friends who are also into car audio this Sunday. Needless to say we canceled the event because of the shipping issue.

    Like I said I'm not overly angry at this situation but it does kinda suck that I had to pay for 2 day shipping and wait 7 to 10 days in the first place but now I have to wait even longer is just even worse. I'm not asking for something for my inconvenience but I did pay for shipping which did not occur in the time span that I was told it would be shipped.

    A simple email stating that there was a delay would have been nice.

    Thank you


  9. I think I left it at zero, so if I drop it a bit I'll be okay?

    somehow, i doubt you own or have used a DD-1. If for some reason i am wrong, and usually i am not, than you probably did not do it right. "ummm i left it at zero"...LOL what? Anyone that uses 0db tracks at the amplifier level shouldn't have any problem with overpowering their subwoofers if they are properly matched (in specs) to the amp they are hooked up to. Even though i don't believe you know what i am talking about, i just want to point that out in case somehow i am wrong. But i doubt it.

    just curious steve as i don't own a DD-1 yet. (hopefully getting some money soon) if i'm thinking about this correctly 0db on the DD-1 would be less strain, for lack of a better word, than say -3 or -5 db? as in with the -3db you would actually be turning the gain up more as to account for the lower audio signal? is this correct? Im sure it says it in the manual but i am just wondering if i'm thinking of this the right way?


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