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Posts posted by MrFree

  1. Hello SMD i come to you again in the form of a post.I wish you all satisfaction in your builds and daily life.with the formality out of the way,I'm again asking for help from you brilliant minded SMD peoples.I have a Coustic 600se,I'm running a line converter on a stock dodge caravan for the RCA's,Also 2 Pioneer TS-W301R 12's.If i touch the sensitivity nob or the bass boost nob my amp will get hot enough to cook a steak on.Also my capacitor drops to 12.5 volts,when I'm bumping my hardest bass cd(cold or hot).And after an hour I'll have somthing on that hits hard and my amp will start to cut off when the bass builds up to hit then it comes back on. currently i have the bass knob turned all the way up and i can bump with no problems for an hour but then it gets hot.If i touch the sensitivity it will over heat in 5 min.I have sanded down the plate where im grounding everything so i dont think its a ground problem,does anyone have an idea.Also does anyone know why i cant get 14.4 volts and why it drops from 13.5 to 12.5 when im bumping I have a battery,alt and a capacitor,I fiigured that would be good enough.could i get some suggestions.

  2. that would be 45 hz

    you can get it lower is wanted by adding a pice to the ends of the port to go to towards the side of the box makeing an L port but it will be way LOUDER ported the way it is just a lil high in tunning

    Thank you very much..Are you familiar with these Pioneer TS-W301R 12's.I paid 30 dollars at my local audio store for 1 the other was free.The reason i ask is they say 1.5 enclosed and 1.6 ported.I think I'm around 4 or 5 cubic with this box right now.(90'degree off the port wall into the chamber depth) how long should I make it? also while I'm in there what would you think about putting another piece of a wall up( in between the 90 off the port wall and the bottom of the speaker depth .(T-line)) if i did that or could do that How much space would I need for chamber depth so i stay the right hz threw the port.with the 90 off the port wall that would leave me with 12.5 inches for chamber depth.The specs for the speaker is 6 1/2 inch mounting depth(let me do my math on that..).?.?Ok I got 3 million inches from right angle to speaker depth...What would you think the distance from the 90 of the port wall to the mounting depth wall and how long should i make it(15x????)..If i got ahead of my self I'm sorry

    So all together I'm talking about adding 2 new inner walls for each speaker.I would need to find the length of the new extension to the port wall and i would need to find out where to put the second inner wall and the length of that...Thank you again for answering my post YOU Rock

  3. if he's using anything but inch and a half mdf or even .75 mdf,he probably doesnt have anything that will be able to make a noticeable difference with or without.SO (IMO) its not that big a deal.If you get into a serious build later on you will learn what works best or what you need to make it leet(IMO)

  4. Ok hopefully this gets viewed again.sorry for the misunderstanding,Here we go..I have 2 12's in a box that was originaly suppose to be ported.I decided i was going to slap some walls inside the box and call it a t-line.When i got to that point i realized my measurement was off so i said screw it and I went with the original design(almost)..Yes i have two walls inside the box that spaces the 2 12's.The walls only run 12-1/2 inches to the back of the box(top/bottom is 32inches long and 20 inches deep.that gives a gap of 7-1/2 inches from the end of the spacers to the back of the box(kind of like a ported enclosure) all i have to do now is cut the box in between the spacers and ill have a ported box.I dont have to cut the spacers there is already a 7-1/2 inch gap in the back for air to flow between the 12's.My question is,could i port this box with out destroying what little bit of spl i have.the original design called for a 3x15 inch port(the space between the spacers) but i messed up so now the gap between spacers is 4 inches.at 3 inches it was tuned for 40htz what would be the tuning at 4 inches and should i port it or leave is closed? I am really trying to pull any spl I can

  5. http://http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=24ybub9&s=5 sorry i have no idea how to work these forms,but here is a pic of the box. Ok the specs i got for the box was from a ported 40hrtz box,I just didnt port it cause the panel's inside was suppose to be 3inchs apart and the port was suppose to be in between the panels from the top of the box to the bottom so a port 3inchs wide and 15 inches tall.I just wasnt sure if my speakers can handle that.The company says 1.5cubic feet for enclosed and 1.6 for ported per speaker..
  6. Hello All,I have come to you once again in search of SMD's forums infinite knowledge.I have built a box for my 2 ts-w301r 12's the box is top/bottom 20x32 back/front 15x31 sides 15x20 and i have to panels inside the box the runs 12 and a 1/2 inch's to the back of the box so the speakers are seperated.between the 2 panels is about 4 inches of space,My question is,could i port this box with these speakers or should i leave it alone.I figured if i ported it I would beable to move more air.and if so how big should the port be.

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