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Posts posted by banginAltima

  1. yeah i always assumed you made musical boxes. then i realized i never knew tuning frequency. the next box i make i'm either going to tune it somewhere in the middle, or do two ports. cuz i like getting low low

    I can tell you I know what Derrick is trying to do.... to see how loud he can get with one 1500/2000, that's why the freq is so high.

    Now I can tell you this joker can get loud with low tuning too.

    Edit: his current box can play music pretty good too

  2. 2 2000's will put out more power than a single 3500 and it will allow you to run one amp per speaker resulting in less impedence rise thus making more power. They will draw more current than the 3500 so you may need a little bit better electrical setup, but if you are spending the same amount for 2 amps as you would for 1 then it's a no brainer.

    Well put...

  3. Just got word from Jacob that he has a new 4000 watt amp.

    This amp is not under rated like the Saz line. Does 4000 at 14.4.

    This amp IS NOT .5 ohm stable and does not have a pass thru\ strapping feature.

    Also this amp will not run on a 16 volts.

    Amp controls are only and gain setting and a frequence setting.

    If you order between NOW and the end of April...

    $475 for one

    $450 for two (each)

    $435 for four or more (each)

    Email Jacob for more details.


  4. You need to be happy with yourself before you worry about someone elses happiness. When the right girl comes along, you will know.


    I got to the point were I was only focusing on me and getting my life straight. I didn't want any gf or even look for a gf. In about a month (still not looking) I ended up meet this girl... and well long story short... I ended up marrying her, been together for ten years now.

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