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Posts posted by BassJunkie

  1. OHHHHHH I feel like a dumbass now haha, sounds like you had your work cut out for ya. I thought you were splitting 3.5 quarts of some kind of alcoholic drink that you were referring to as wood. *facepalm*

  2. Keep on learning man. This hobby takes alot of time to master, and alot of time to build so I consider it a great hobby to keep your mind off of things. Those hours in the garage seem to fly by when working on boxes, radios, wiring, amps, etc...and if thats what keeps you going then do it bro and keep doing it.

    I wouldn't say SMD saved my life but I will say car audio saved my life, so I guess smd is partially to thank. After my fathers passing in 2009 I sold a few things of mine that were a constant reminder of my dad, I used the money from those things to buy some 18s and some wood..blah blah blah don't want this to be a pitty party but I know where you're coming from. It takes alot of balls to stand up and face the world everyday and if audio is one of the things that help you face the world keep on keepin on, I know I will.

    My offer still stands if you need any help on your setup, I'm only an hour or two away. :drinks:

  3. My major is Information Systems Management, there will always be a high demand for anything technological oriented. I'm also minoring and corporate finance, not necessarily to get an accounting like job but just to show that I know about the finance side of business and not just computers.

    Engineering is also another good field to look into, alot of applied mathematics and science. Although from my research the computer majors seem to have a higher pay scale.

  4. no i don't take it that way at all man im just trying to learn. teach me

    Thank you, for real dude. I'm more than willing to teach you (and anyone willing) everything I know but even then that is limited by my own personal knowledge and experience. My PM box is always open if you (or anyone) has questions, hell I'll give my personal number if needed.

  5. the only reason i said that is bc audiofanaticz said mike singer said 2:1 ported to sealed is the best for spl. and i think mike singer knows his stuff builds some nasty loud rides. and i wouldn't think audiofanaticz would like about what singer said

    No offense to mike singer (or you) but there were plenty of loud bandpasses before he even built his first speakerbox let alone bandpass. There was no such thing as a magic ratio. The amount of time tuning he puts into them is amazing and props to him for building awesome ass boxes. But there is SOOOO much more to bandpass enclosures than just a simple ratio, it can be a "guideline" i guess but even then that is pushing it. And of course with a bigger ported portion and a smaller sealed you're going to have more spl (not always) but with that smaller sealed section you're limiting and raising the bandwidth to a higher set of frequencies. When you play higher frequencies then yeah 9 times out of 10 you're going to be putting up higher numbers than lower frequencies but at what cost? Sure you can dump more power into these setups and MAKE them play low notes but that kind of defeats the purpose of a bandpass.

    As i said no offense, I really dont mean this to seem standoffish

  6. Looks pretty good but forget all about ratios imo.

    Also I agree the first box will have loading issues, you're firing right at a port vs loading off of something. My 2 cents, I have a 4th order wall but I'm far from a 4th order pro.

    Not to thread jack... But could you explain this one to me?

    I think i kind of understand what he means. i guess it can be kind of explained by an analogy of sorts. if you had a regular ported box with the sub firing forward and (heaven forbid) the port directly behind it firing back, then there wouldn't be much to control excursion because the air would escape before it had a chance to bounce off the walls a couple of times (fail explanation)

    boxes help control excursion by maintaining pressure inside the box, without that pressure it would be like a free air environment, in which it is easier to reach the mechanical limits of the sub because there is less force pushing back up on the cone to keep it from bottoming out. so if most of the air escapes before it can pressurize, then you might as well have a free air environment...okay maybe not that dramatic, but you get the point.

    ^^that probably doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but i'm too tired to go back and read that shit right now lol.

    i could just be talking out of my ass too who knows.

    feel free to ask any more questions. i'm here to learn too

    You're pretty close with that, not a bad explanation. I've been drinking so I cant really come up with a great explanation. I'll chime in tomorrow :good:

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