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Posts posted by ric006

  1. I'm just gonna leave this here...

    funny thing was is i actually broke mine he broke a Guitar

    I can fix the rrod in most xboxs.

    But nice smash video! Looks like your son really had some fun :)

    Ya my son had a great time and i know how to fix all the consoles in this case the guy i got it from fried the chip due to a bad Jtag it was screwed
  2. sorry to hear you got screwed man, can you post a pic of the hard drive board u can usually tell if its WD from the board also i have stayed away from buying WD since there 16gb hard drive was made anything after that was about the time frame of going bad with then i stay with Seagate and Hitachi, i say maxtor but seagate bought them out a few years back

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