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Posts posted by ric006

  1. ever since apple got out from under the table with the help of microsoft and started making it big by us and others like us they just shit on us anymore thats how they work now just another corperate america we care less about you unless everyone stops buying our products again then will care till it starts over again

    its awsome to promote a small biz though do they do Iphone 5s though

    are you asking me a question? i am confused. Yes they do iphone 5 repairs...if that is what you are asking. I mean i said Iphone 5 in the original post after all LOL

    thats cool you found someone close to fix you newer phone lot of places dont work on them yet

  2. ever since apple got out from under the table with the help of microsoft and started making it big by us and others like us they just shit on us anymore thats how they work now just another corperate america we care less about you unless everyone stops buying our products again then will care till it starts over again

    its awsome to promote a small biz though do they do Iphone 5s though

  3. see im not knocking the score thats what you guys arnt getting im saying there should be something different as the trunk aspect due to some cars have folding seats and some dont, so there should technically be two different classes of trunk due to the fact if you have none folding seats you cannot take them down at all no comp lets you that is a complete sealed trunk this is my aspect i never said his numbers arnt great and never said it was an easy task i just said getting those results on the seats up as alot of cars do is even harder

    even if you don't have folding flat seats, you can still lean them down. As long as you keep the seat in the car and it can be reattached. There's no need for two classes.

    They never used to let you maybe they changed it but when i first tried it they told me know if its supposed to be bolted needs to be bolted

  4. see im not knocking the score thats what you guys arnt getting im saying there should be something different as the trunk aspect due to some cars have folding seats and some dont, so there should technically be two different classes of trunk due to the fact if you have none folding seats you cannot take them down at all no comp lets you that is a complete sealed trunk this is my aspect i never said his numbers arnt great and never said it was an easy task i just said getting those results on the seats up as alot of cars do is even harder

  5. see i understand that the system is in the trunk but its not sealed up like a real trunk there for gives off more airspace it is great numbers but flip that seat up and see what you would get

    have you ever built a system in the trunk and broke a 150 not an easy accomplishment

    not saying it is but if your keeping it open its really not the trunk it opens up more air volume my old car broke 150 but it was before the term lab it was on audio control

  6. i didnt want to use them i say my price on there webpage for my model car was 275 but when i asked for a quote the webpage got updated and i was told like 600 bucks so i never went with them from then on

    but they are doing a good thing donating to a family but the only thing is everyone wants to feed families in different countries instead of our own all the time.

    We don't have any prices listed for any particular car on our website. For each series it says "from $349" etc... Some cars are more expensive than others. If we quoted you $600, you probably have a VW, or some other car that requires a Billet housing. Machining billet housings is not cheap, but is the only way to get high tech internals on older vehicles. DC power also uses Billet housings, and they are even higher in price than we are.

    And as far as donating funds to starving families in Ethiopia is concerned, we have already beaten that horse to death on Facebook, but why not give her another good flogging...

    Never in a million years would I have thought that we get flamed for feeding starving people- (some people even said they would never buy from us because we support charities in a foreign country) I was flabbergasted when I saw all of the angry comments in response to us trying to feed people who are literally starving to death and dying from untreated disease.

    We also donate thousands of dollars every year to charities that support struggling families right here in Knoxville and throughout Appalachia. We also offer a 10% military discount, (always have, always will) yet some selfish people still want to throw rocks at us. If you want to know the real reason we started our program to help Ethiopian families, it's because we saw how so much of our donations to local families were being un-appreciated or wasted. Meanwhile, our overseas families were absolutely ecstatic to get a lousy $30 to live off of for a month. Which would you choose to support after seeing the reaction from both??? Not to mention the fact that our local families already receive food stamps, WIC, SS, disability, and food closet support. The Ethiopians have NOTHING to help them.


    i have a 97 tbird an when u had prices on ur site for that model and amps it was changed and i never said you were doing a bad thing i just said there are americans that need help too but when you see people getting help its other countries

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