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Posts posted by punkrockprs

  1. I got the job at toyota! $12.00/ hour flat rate. $3.00 more than im making now per hour. now the bigger question. commute and spend hela gas money or move away from family and friends. =\ my moms making me feel bad cause she doenst want me or the baby moving away. i keep telling her idk wat im going to do yet. any advice? its about a 45 minute commute with no traffic. i looked at a few apartments out there but they are all double what im paying now for a nice one

  2. Would be weird if that awesome box he built you ended up flying through his store window huh?

    With the words Bitch ass scammers written on it? lmao thats fucked up dude. go get ur money back, and write a bad review about the shop saying they built u a custom box not to your specs and you gave them a chance to fix it and they failed. warn people not to go to them.

  3. so i currently work part time and a local quick lube shop and i put a application for hella shops one of them being a toyota dealer. i will be bringing home about double wat i am now. now for my dilema. its 1 hour away from where i am now wich is where my parents and sister are. i will have to move out there. but ill be able to purchase my first home and give my son the life he deserves. not only that but it will jumpstart a unlimited career for me instead of just having a job.

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