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Cole Hedden

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Everything posted by Cole Hedden

  1. Thanks alot man, That is cool. Ya, that sounds convenient but Im doing this as a school project hah. Im sure as time goes on Ill get better but this is my first build so please excuse me.
  2. Also, I don't understand why the Calculator called for such a small port in the first place. Im pretty confused.
  3. Hey, Do you think you could get me a screenshot of the box calculator (If thats what you used) it'll be a little more clear. Thanks for your help.
  4. Im not limited at all really, Just a single 15 going into a ford escape (SUV) RE said that around 3 cubic feet is Suggested.
  5. So I decided to build a box for a RE audio SRX 15. I picked up my mdf today and Ready to start tomorrow. I've already Crunched my numbers in a box calculator but I'd like to put it up here and get some advice Incase I've made some sort of catastrophic mistake or something hahha. http://gyazo.com/45a....png?1329114618
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