Matching the gains of mulitiple amplifiers.
This procedure requires the CC-1 to be placed in a
special mode reserved for SPL competitors and
1. Switch the CC-1 off by holding the OFF button
for 1 second. (This must be done to initalize
the program mode) Now switch CC-1 power on
by pressing the ON button. (Well obvious. Check)
2. Disconnect the harness to make sure there is no
signal being applied to the CC-1 and that the
Signal LED is NOT illuminated. (Check)
3. Press and hold the READ button for 3-5
seconds or until the Set LEDs start flashing.
Release Set button. CC-1 is now in
competition mode!! (Check.)
4. Next you need to connect the CC-1 to the
“Master” amplifier’s outputs. Use the included
harness to connect to amplifier’s outputs; Red to
speaker (+) and Black to battery ground. (Check. The harness was already wired up so all i had to do was plug in the rca's)
5. Set the source unit’s volume to zero. Select the
track on the CD that corresponds to the desired
frequency you wish to match gains at. If you
don’t know which frequency to use try 40 Hz
(track 10 Disc A) if it is a subwoofer amplifier, or
1 kHz (track 8 Disc if it is a full range
amplifier. Play track on repeat.(Check, however i used the 40 -5 track on the DD-1 disk. This couldnt make it have different voltages though because both channels are reading the same input.)
6. Continue by turning up the source unit volume
until you see the Signal LED illuminate green. If
the LED turns red, this indicates the volume is
too high. Turn volume down until LED remains
green. (Check)
7. When Signal LED remains Green, press the
READ button. The Blue Calibrated LED should
illuminate. (Check)
8. Now without touching any adjustments on
anything, connect the CC-1 to the output of the
next amplifier that you wish to match it’s gain to
the first amplifier. (Check)
9. The LEDs will indicate if the gain is too high or
too low compared to the “Master” amplifier. (Yeppers)
10. Adjust gain on the amplifier that the CC-1 is now
connected to until the Calibrated LED
illuminates. The amplifier’s gain is now matched
to the Master amplifier’s gain within +/- 0.05dB !! (Check)
After reading it 3 times now i still fail to realize what you're talking about Ray. If you know what i did wrong lemme know. Everything was textbook as far as these instructions go.